Subject: Re: The question we dare not ask From: R Ballard Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 12:19:03 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: The question we dare not ask From: R Ballard Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 12:19:03 -0400 (EDT)
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On Tue, 11 Apr 1995, Todd Belton wrote:

> Adam C. Gross ( wrote:
> : Alternatively, you can ask the millions of DOOM owners if they have ever
> : bought anything based on Internet advertising (in this case, via FTP.)
> : Perhaps the problem is that WWW is the only area of the net where commerce
> : ISN'T present.
> Commerce and advertising aren't the same thing.
> Commerce on the net is unavoidable and good.  Advertising on the net
> may yet be avoidable, and is almost certainly bad.

The concept of "Advertizing" like some form of "electronic junk-mail" 
isn't particularly useful.  On the other hand, pointers that ultimately
lead to my meeting an urgent need are quite welcome.  I just found an 
on-line web-page for about 30 realtors who broker rentals in new-york 
city.  The prices were reasonable the areas were good, and the selection 
was quite good.  I can see listings 3 days before they get to the 
"Village Voice" or the "NY Times Sunday Edition".  Not bad for 15 
minutes worth of following home-pages.  I could even look at pictures and 

> Yes, I *am* aware that that's an overly simplistic view, and you could
> with justification accuse me of harboring grudges - but look at it this
> way: There is NO other day to day activity in my life - reading the
> paper, riding the subway to work, etc - where I am not bombarded with
> advertising.  I would prefer to have as least one area of my recreational
> time unsullied by this dreck.

When you are shopping for what YOU want (as opposed to what someone else 
wants to trigger you into impulse buying), shopping is recreation.

I'm looking for Pointers to RSA Encryption (with intent to negotiate 
royalties) and/or PGP Encryption.  Don't ask why.

> -todd
	Rex Ballard

From Tue Apr 18 12:35:31 1995
Status: O