Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 18:56:09 -0400 (EDT)
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On Tue, 11 Apr 1995 wrote:
> >: So what happens if this site is successful (they do have some nice search
> >: tools) and you set up your own Web site, only to find yourself in competition
> >: with your own news?
He can't legally copy your material (if you put copyright notices on it)
to his server. Your server can require more authentication (is someone
paying for this?). The referring machine can send an "electronic check"
for 2 cents to your authentication server. Or you can use bulk purchases.
> >Strikes me that there may be some copyright issues here to think about as well.
Actually, a function of adding a mutually agreed upon authentication
mechanism. Read the HTTP Specs for more details. Your httpd can be
equipped with authentication if you wish. You can even decide which
pages need what levels of authentication. The user wouldn't even know
what agreements you were passing around.
The default httpd server is "promiscous". It will accept any connection
from any client using a valid port. There are many forms of
authentication, including NIS, Kerberos, and clear/text user/password
authentication. How much security do you want. HTTP promises a read
only, restricted access, server/client (unlike allowing a telnet into a
shell which lets you become "root").
> Nope. Unfair competition torts. A state case, not a federal one. And no
> international reciprocity; the Berne Commission doesn't apply. In short, it'll
> keep a lot of lawyers fully employed.
The negotiation of all the agreements between the different publishers
and advertisers certainly will. Arbitration is mor likely to be the
order of the day. What is the point of making a referral if it bounces
into a "you cant read this because your referal doesn't have the password"
message. Conversely, who would want a Web server, loaded with
advertzing, that Never got hit.
Rex Ballard
From Tue Apr 18 19:22:27 1995
Status: O