Subject: Re: Market Research: Showing CONSUMER demand for Newspaper Content From: R Ballard Date: Wed, 19 Apr 1995 19:49:50 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Market Research: Showing CONSUMER demand for Newspaper Content From: R Ballard Date: Wed, 19 Apr 1995 19:49:50 -0400 (EDT)
In-Reply-To: <2F8BF324@smtpgtwy>
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You might want to look at net.newsgroups in the usenet newsgroups.  The 
net.* prefix is a good resource for lots of statistics on the 14,000 
(16,000 by this week?) newsgroups now on the net.  Each group is focused, 
and some groups also provide geographic or cultural focus.  The chinese 
group is very interesting (Unreadable unless you have an MBCS X Server).

The gopher server at interNIC is good (  The WAIS servers may 
have some information on statistics and demographics.
Archie may be able to flush out some stats for you as well.

These research methods are a bit more sophisticated (and time consuming) 
than the Web, but they are quite efficient for culling through 1000 
servers at a time.

	Rex Ballard.

From Fri Apr 21 13:19:01 1995
Status: O