Subject: Re: "today" as section or fea... From: R Ballard Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 00:07:21 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: "today" as section or fea... From: R Ballard Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 00:07:21 -0400 (EDT)
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On Thu, 13 Apr 1995 wrote:

> I believe the time has come for my two-cents worth:
> Regardless of whether or not the word "Today" is a trademarked item in 
> the interactive community, let's stop a minute to consider what a 
> news*PAPER* term that really is... 
> We SHOULD be thinking in terms of "continuum"... does anyone agree? 
I was about to say, daily updates is "Old news".
Anyone who has used "NewsCast" knows that news from an hour ago is "Old 
News".  It might be worth something for historical purposes or for 
research :-).  Like yesterday's newspaper.

> The beauty of using the Internet or online services for the dissemination 
> of up-to-the-minute information (world wide, if it's on the Web), is that 
> it CAN do just that. No more once a day. Or several editions a day. 
I've had 3 updates to this list in the time it took me to write this posting.

Call it "Online-NOW".

	Rex Ballard

From Tue Apr 25 00:15:30 1995
Status: O