Subject: Re: Lycos and predators From: R Ballard Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 21:50:54 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Lycos and predators From: R Ballard Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 21:50:54 -0400 (EDT)
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On Thu, 20 Apr 1995, Gordon Dohle wrote:

> Big spiders eat little spiders.
> Gordon
> > Carnegie Mellon University  has signed an
> >agreement with Microsoft Corp, giving Microsoft a non-exclusive, renewable
> >license to use The Lycos(TM) Catalog of the Internet, developed by Carnegie
> >Mellon.

It looks like Microsoft is getting into the Business of GPL.  Will they 
be contributing to the source pool as well???!!

There once was a time when heads would roll for such an agreement.

> >    The Lycos TM Catalog of the Internet is named after a predatory
> >spider.  Its address on the Web is (

I wonder of the REAL reason for Microsoft's generousity is that CMU 
Shamelessly promoted Linux :-).  Or that Andrew may be a Legitimate 
threat to Office. :-)  Will Microsoft but Lan Manager Authentication into 
GPL? :-)

Stay Tuned for More kiddies :-)

	Rex Ballard

From Tue May  2 22:49:27 1995