Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 00:01:24 -0400 (EDT)
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On Mon, 24 Apr 1995, Ellsworth, Mike J. wrote:
> Mike Himowitz said:
> >The absolutely outrageous thing that the CIS browser does
> >when it installs is that it disables your existing winsock.dll
> >by renaming it. So if you're using a direct Internet Provider,
> >your software will be unusuable. This is the kind of thing
> >that should have lynch mobs forming. The only way I can
> >think of to get around it is to have a batch file that
> >renames the winsock.dll properly when I want to call
> >my Internet Provider, and renames it it winsock.000 when
> >I want to use Prodigy's. Somebody there ought to get their
> >act together.
> Spry has an application called Winsock Switcher which essentially does what
> you describe, swapping files called winsock.ppp and winsock.lan. I suppose
> the reason some version of this was not included was to get folks onto CIS
> network. But really, folks, for people in Podunk, IL, CIS is actually a
> pretty good deal, if not the only deal in town.
This actually starts to make sense in a sort of weird way. If CIS wants
to protect lan-connected workstations from turning thier PPP links into
routers, it makes sense to clobber the lan kernal.
It might be a real good idea to confirm this with the user though.
Doesn't CIS work with vanilla winsock?
Rex Ballard
From Wed May 3 00:20:16 1995