Subject: Re: COMDEX Report #1 From: R Ballard Date: Sun, 7 May 1995 23:53:44 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: COMDEX Report #1 From: R Ballard Date: Sun, 7 May 1995 23:53:44 -0400 (EDT)
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On Tue, 25 Apr 1995, Rick Koelz wrote:

> art you need and drag it to your desktop... Oh, by the way, that will be 25
> cents added to your bill.  If you don't have the Encarta CD ROM, don't
That ought to go over real good with parents.  At 25 cents/frame, a kid could
rack up several hundred dollars before the month is out.

What percentage is Microsoft going to get?  What percentage will they be
getting in two years.  Will the delay in publishers getting their paychecks
be as much of a delay as there was getting Windows95 to market? (I'll pay 
you tuesday - two years from now).

Is Microsoft going to pass my clear-text authentication or encrypt it?

If I order a web page from Canada or Australia, will I be arrested for 
exporting encrypted data (even if only 1 byte is "encrypted" using a 
syncronized random generator, it would be an act of Treason to export
it, or enable it for international use.  If the BATF waits until the week 
before Windows95 comes out to lift the restrictions on encryption, there 
will be many companies who will want heads to roll, including IBM, DEC, 
SUN, HP, Novell, Lotus,..... since they've been pushing for this for 5 years
now and the NSA "Conveniently" lifted a hated restriction just in time to 
enable their biggest rival to do commerce over the Internet.

Since this conspiracy to export encryption technology is likely to be 
protected by tons of non-disclosure measured, it is possible that MSN 
partners could be pushed for conspiracy to commit treason.


	Rex Ballard

From Mon May  8 00:13:39 1995