Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 00:13:37 -0400 (EDT)
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On Fri, 5 May 1995, Ed Gregory wrote:
> If you are going to complain to somebody about some perceived wrong, do it
> directly and not to the whole d... list.
> >(Thank goodness it wasn't advertizing).
> >
> > Rex Ballard
Excuse me! I deliberately brought this up to the entire list. As would
any SUN user, or DEC user or AIX user or HP user. If you choose to put
URLs to proprietary product on a list, you can expect to have complaints
published to that same list.
The internet is an OPEN forum. Get USED to the concept of a TWO-WAY
I have posted many articles about the nature of the internet, and the
nature of the Internet user community. The infrastructure was defined by
volunteer efforts of come of the top professionals in the world. The
attempt of a few selfish individuals to "TAKE OWNERSHIP" of this
contributed structure is the ultimate offront. If you want to pay
Microsoft royalties, then I can give you a list of 20 companies and
universities who deserve the same compensation. The bill would be around
$200 Million dollars. And that's just your share.
Rex Ballard.
From Mon May 8 00:27:35 1995