Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 23:19:12 -0400 (EDT)
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On Tue, 2 May 1995, Vin Crosbie wrote:
> (Daniel P Dern) ventured:
> Seriously, introduction of AOL's browser is a milestone for one reason:
> Subscribers to all three major online services now have access to the Web.
> Compare that with only six months ago, which also was before Netscape had
> released its initial beta test software). Over seven million online services
> subscribers (CIS 3 mil., AOL 2.5, Prodigy 1.8 million) now have access to the
> Web and over two million copies of Netscape have been downloaded.
Just out of curiosity, how many people have downloaded Mosaic? How many
have downloaded WinWEB? How many have downloaded lynx?
> Someone on this list once posted that New Media changes weren't truly
> 'revolutionary' because they weren't happening quickly enough. I hope he's
> not still snoozing by the ramparts.
I'm still wide awake. Stay tuned for the latest navigational reports. :-)
Rex Ballard
Standard & Poor's/McGraw-Hill
Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect
the Management of the McGraw-Hill Companies.
From Mon May 8 23:34:46 1995