Subject: Re: FWD: CompuServe's Web browser From: Rex Ballard Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 23:34:45 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: FWD: CompuServe's Web browser From: Rex Ballard Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 23:34:45 -0400 (EDT)
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On Wed, 3 May 1995 wrote:
> > >>Just had an interesting conversation with my ex-boss (still good friends) 
> > >>about what happens when you have many browsers on your system (Mosaic, 
> > >>Netscape, Spry etc...) and then download the browser from Compuserve. 
> > >>When someone launches the Cserve browser, it search-and-destroys all 
> I believe this is what is called a "Worm" or "Killer Virus".  I'm sure 
> that the Attourney General will be very interested in this little tidbit.
> The fine is $150,000 and 15 years in prison.  Settle for no less.
> I would reccomend telephone calls to the Attourney general (or e-mail to 
>  I would also notify each of the other browser vendors 
> to let them know that they may have grounds for a suit.
> > >>Pass this along to anyone you know. Of course I doubt any of us use 
> > >>Compuserve but there are many innocents who don't know any better! 
> I use it, but I think I'll avoid their browser.
> 	Rex Ballard
> 	Personal posting

I overreacted!  My guess is that Compuserve has spent a few million 
dollars in customer service and lost revenue.  I actually hope that
it gets past these "bumps" and take off.  Cserve access would make a 
great inet access when I'm on the road.

	Rex Ballard
	Personal posting

From Mon May  8 23:42:31 1995