Subject: Re: your online-news postings From: Rex Ballard Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 23:57:14 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: your online-news postings From: Rex Ballard Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 23:57:14 -0400 (EDT)
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On Fri, 5 May 1995, Steve Outing wrote:

> On 5/5/95, R Ballard wrote:
> >I would appreciate a little attribution once in a while.
> >I don't copyright my postings, I don't require attribution,
> >and I don't charge for the time I've contributed (90% personal),
> >but I've seen several of my ideas as posted represented as your own.
> >
> Rex:
> Can you be more specific? I don't recall doing that; stealing others' 
> ideas is not in my nature. In a community of 1,300 people with common 
> knowledge and interests, I doubt there are too many ideas presented that 
> are entirely original.

I apologize.  I shouldn't e-mail after midnight :-).  I had read Bill 
Densmore's review of your presentation and saw that you were sharing many 
of the concepts that I not only proposed, but also had to manage through 
the knee-jerk reactions and political agenda into a consensus on this 
group.  Remember, when this list started, everyone was going to start 
their own "e-mail mailing list", by steering them toward the Web, WAIS,
and SLIP/PPP we actually accellerated the developement of this industry.
I first proposed that this would be the future 1 year ago, remember?

I keep records of my outbound e-mail (to protect myself more than 
anything), This list would make interesting "History".

I've spend 20 years pushing the limits of technology.  I was selling at 
Radio Shack when they first announced the TRS-80, and I used to program 
on an APPLE (not an APPLE-II).  These days, I give my first and last name 
in E-Mail (for many years I didn't).  I've spend 60 hours/week for most 
of those 20 years, serving the internet community (even back in the days 
when it was a "ham radio thing" (My call sign is WA0WMY - issued 1968 
when I was 11 years old).  I've contributed to the GPL pool (products now 
known as RPC, DCE, UDP, uuencode for PCs, and the commercialization of 
the Internet.

I can't have any children (Vasectomy and Divorce cost me the two I had) 
and I'd like to be remembered by someone.

> "that crackpot" in some people's eyes (not mine, BTW.) I think you should cut 
> back a bit. IMHO!
So do I.

> I am curious as to why you spend so much energy and time (I assume you're a 
> very fast writer) stirring this pot. What do you get out of it? Obviously,  
> a reputation as a major player in this soon-to-be-$1 billion industry. Are you 
> hunting for clients outside of S&P?

See above.  I'm tired.  Good night.

> Cheers,
> Steve

	Rex Ballard
	Standard & Poor's/McGraw-Hill
	Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect
	the Management of the McGraw-Hill Companies.

From Wed May 10 00:27:27 1995