Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 17:43:12 -0400 (EDT)
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On Wed, 10 May 1995, Donovan White wrote:
> (Steve Outing) said:
> >There must be a lesson in this. Don't believe what you read in print, and
> >leave attempts at humor to the professionals.
> >
> The Society to Stamp Out Smileys welcomes you to its ranks.
> Our motto is, "If you can't say it in words, don't even try."
> We regard smileys as the crutches of the illiterate and verbally handicapped
> and feel that if the language of your writing can't convey your message,
> rewrite, rewrite, rewrite.
For Web Pages, mass distributions, and for Final Production, I'll
rewrite. When I'm responding to RFI's over e-mail at a rate of 12/day
I just shoot-em-out as fast as they can.
Rex Ballard
From Thu May 11 19:44:31 1995