Subject: Re: Newsprint costs and Online Opportunities From: Rex Ballard Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 23:12:23 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Newsprint costs and Online Opportunities From: Rex Ballard Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 23:12:23 -0400 (EDT)
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> Peter Morris wrote:
> >Our leaders have been quoted as saying they expect a 25% increase in the
> >cost of newsprint for the coming July-June year. As the newsprint bill
> >accounts for about 30% of total costs for the newspaper this is not small
> >potatoes.
> >
> >Has anybody else been playing around with what this shift in newsprint
> >costs could mean?
> >
Try this:
	Instead of "continued on page 297" you would see "continued on"

	Rex Ballard
	Standard & Poor's/McGraw-Hill
	Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect
	the Management of the McGraw-Hill Companies.

From Thu May 11 23:58:54 1995