Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 23:09:16 -0400 (EDT)
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On Wed, 17 May 1995, Alan Rothman wrote:
> is it time for magazines and newspapers to offer joint pricing for the
> internet and traditional format so that more companies will step
> forward to support the net? If so, what form should pricing take and
> what should be offered in the package.
What I would REALLY like is a subscription to a publication which
includes a "printed highlights" AND internet read-only access to 90% of
the 6 million servers on the internet AND full access to all newsgroups,
chat lines AND access to all current software. Ideally there would be
WAIS, LYCOS, and FAST WWWW capability as well.
I would be willing to pay an Extra $30-50/month above my access fees.
Add another $50/month for a "Software Subscription" package that gave me
unlimited access to all archive software capable of running on my host
(Linux, BSDI, Win95).
Somehow the Idea of negotiating donations to the various schools,
digicash payments to the various companies, and keeping track of 6000 to
4 million passwords is just a little more inconvenient than I really want
to tolerate.
Rex Ballard
Standard & Poor's/McGraw-Hill
Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect
the Management of the McGraw-Hill Companies.
From Tue May 23 00:25:57 1995