Subject: Newer 604, 601, x86 numbers. From: Robert C. Barris Date: 24 JUL 1995 01:41:15 GMT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Newer 604, 601, x86 numbers. From: Robert C. Barris Date: 24 JUL 1995 01:41:15 GMT

I have updated the materials at

to include newer results for a variety of compiler/system combinations.

The raw numbers are included (warning: very "wide" text file) as well
as a GIF chart of a selection of systems. I would have put all dozen-odd
results in one graphic chart but it was getting a little hard to follow.

A quick summary of the integer averages so far:

PowerSpec-P5-60, WATCOM	0.663285714
Apple 6100/66, CW6	0.891
Dell XPS-90, WATCOM	1
Apple Q950 + 601, mcc	1.077
Apple Q950 + 601, CW6	1.08
Apple 6100/66, mcc	1.098
Micron P-90, Borland	1.135
IBM RS6000 40P, xlC	1.244
Gateway P5-120, WATCOM	1.319
Power-100, CW6		1.37
Power-100, mcc		1.638
Apple 9500/120, CW6	2.07
Apple 9500/120, mcc	2.395

Download and Enjoy.

Rob Barris
Quicksilver Software Inc.

From Fri Sep 15 18:40:46 1995
Status: O