Subject: Re: The Removal of All Government Involvement from Family Matters From: Rex Ballard Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 18:54:07 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: The Removal of All Government Involvement from Family Matters From: Rex Ballard Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 18:54:07 -0400 (EDT)
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On Thu, 28 Sep 1995, fathers wrote:

> Excellent point from Nick Szabo
> From:
> >snip<
> You can simply start by voting at every election to throw out incumbent, 
> elected judges.  These boys need to be elected just like regular politicians.  

This might be a bit difficult considering the estimate that 90% of all 
estranged fathers are in arrears on child support.  Register to vote and 
go to Jail.  It is a tidy way to eliminate a major contingent that would
oppose "Family Values" and the "hang him by his gonads" approach so 
eagerly adopted by the Republican Right and supported by the Liberal Left.
"Deadbeat Dads" have hit the same "most hated" status as Nazi War 
Criminals.  There will likely be very few estranged fathers voting by 
1996. (Just a hunch).

> I recommend putting your efforts into discrediting individuals, and not the 
> system.  Was our same court system one hundred years ago as bad as it is now?

Actually, the court system has been loaded beyond capacity.

> No, the system didn't change, the people running the system changed.  We
> are turning out more and more lawyers everyday.

Prior to 1930, we didn't have to deal with too many "dead beat dads".  
Families were more like small tribes with as many as 5 generations living 
within a 1 mile radius of each other.  With the implementaton of social 
security, "Future Shock" relocations, "Fantasy Marriages" that promised
a cross between "Donna Reed" and "Pet of the Month" if we would just 
postpone marriage until 30, a complete dissassociation of Sex and 
relationship perpetrated by the MPAA Ratings system, the Sex=Violence=Lust
values generated by the "R" rated movies of the 1960's through the 1990's.
(Try and find a real Romance with a legitimate Sex Scene made after 1968
 and shown in the United States).  Add to that a "street culture" which
promoted paramilitary violence in the guise of a physical education program
(Thank you Mr Kennedy) trained for a War that was over 20 years ago.  Add to
that Two Income families which provided minimal child supervision 3
months/year, single parent families headed by working mothers (more 
inadaquate supervision and values), and families dependent on AFDC or 
Child Support (I don't have to work, I'll just have a baby and make HIM 
pay), and a "Male image" making the most violent and sociopathic males 
the most desirable breeding stock, especially in the lower economic 
classes, and you have a cultural pressure cooker.

We could put the men into "Work Camps", put the women into "Protected 
Developments" (Inaccessible to Fertile Men), and put the kids into 12 
month/year classrooms.  All paid for by the remaining 20% of the 
population that actually works, pays child support, insurance, taxes and 
FICA (which ends up going to "studs" with back injuries (who banked on 
carrying concrete rather than finishing high school).

Another possibility is to have every male over the age 11 trained in the 
Uniform Dissolution of Marriage act, and the Uniform Child Support Act.
We can have any male who can be proven to have had unprotected sex 
(without either condom or vasectomy) pay into a "support pool" at the 
rate of $100/month or 5% of income.  Proof would include contracting
sexually transmitted diseases, bragging to friends, or being matched
for genetic testing.

We could also make the woman's current sexual partner (male or female) 
the legally responsible father.  Noncustodial fathers would pay 
supplimental child support in direct proportion to their visitation.
Suddenly those "Geek Engineers" with the $50,000/year incomes would
become incredibly attractive and those high-school drop-outs would be
forced to stop living off of their girl-friends.  If a woman wants to
be completely single, she can support her own children.

Let's put a cap on child support.  Just because a woman can "snare" a
man with a stable income for 2 or 3 years, does this entitle her children
to 40% of his income for the Next 20 years while she lives with another 
man her kids call "Daddy"?  The AFDC payment should be used as a 
guideline.  The minimum should be AFDC+10%, the maximum should be
AFDC * 2.  Any child support that a non-custodial parent pays beyond that 
voluntarily should be treated as a tax deductable GIFT (taxable to the 
mother at a lower rate).

>  People like Gloria Allred
> insist that everybody should sue everybody for whatever reason.  Prisoners
> are filing law suits because their slices of cake that they get in the 
> big house aren't as big as their cellmates'.  These prisoners sue on the basis
> of not being treated "equally," the same poison that feminists spew to further
> their misguided agenda.  And what jobs do white middle-class females swarm to?

Women are not well treated by the legal profession.  Promotions are 
limited, sexual harassment is common, and sexism is common.  This might 
actually make female lawyers more vicous in the court-room.  Winning 
cases is about the ONLY thing that counts for an ambitious female lawyer.

>  Let's finally blow the lid off the whole thing.  Feminism has
> caused this problem, not the government, nor any particular branch of the
> government.
>  What a lot of people fail to realize is that our government has
> not changed since the birth of our country.  It wasn't this bad 200 years ago,
> or 100 years ago, or 50 years ago, or 10 years ago.  So you have to ask
> yourself, what did change?

I pointed out what changed above.  The government HAS changed over the 
past 200 years.  The economy has shifted radically from farming to urban 
hustling.  The concept of "honor" has been replaced by proving one's 
masculinity by being able to "out-fight, out-drink, and out-f*ck" anyone 
else in the neighborhood.  This is most common among military, their 
children, and their grandchildren.  Maybe what we need is more "sissies"
who work hard, pay their bills, and support their children and wives.

> Let us defeat the social pathology of feminism instead of eating our young.

Feminism isn't the real target.  We need to look at sexism (radical 
feminism is just sexist dogma in reverse), the whole value system, and 
the whole cultural reengineering that has been going on since 1919.  Some 
of it, such as making sure that each child got an education sufficient to 
provide for a family, or making sure that families don't have to sleep in 
the streets and the sewers just because daddy "left", were good.  Some,
didn't take into account the effect of 80 years of tampering with 
fundamental structures including the very physiology of human beings 
(postponing marriage for 10-20 years, free-love...)

> Nick Szabo

> Voting is a privilege, not a right.  Just because you live in this country 
> or because you are an American citizen, does not give you the right to 
> vote, i.e., convicted felons.

Careful there pard'ner, that kind of talk is just the kind of thing I 
opened up with.  If they can't pay for their kids, don't let them vote.  
If they need government checks, don't let them vote.  Then the right wing 
fundamentalist tax-paying extremist can vote, almost unanamously for low 
cost housing compounds named "Auschwitz, Buchenvald, and Trablinka".  On 
for New York City, one for Detroit, and one for San Francisco.

>  So how do women get to vote for a Commander-
> in-Chief if they do not have to be forced into service?  Can you imagine
> another segment of society, say Blacks, that had the right to vote but were
> not drafted like other Whites, Latinos and Asians?  I guess some pigs are 
> more equal than other pigs.  How did we let this happen?

Remember, the Draft was a new concept when it was instituted for WW-I, 
and opportunistic Republicans and Pro-temperance factions used the period 
between 1917 (the end of WW-1) and 1919 (sufferage ammendment), to play on
sentiments that set the stage for the KKK killings of the 1920s, the 
Unions of the 30's, Hitler's Germany, and the spread of Fascism 
throughout Europe, Asia, and South America.  Had it not been for WW-II
and the Liberal MR Roosevelt (Saving us from the engineered economic 
crisis generated by Herbert Hoover - which set the stage for genocide
in the U.S.)  We might have even sided with Hitler.

Even today, we hear the occaisional rallying cry "The South will Rise 
Again".  Have you noticed what's happening in Atlanta these days?  Take a 
good look and voice prints of the KKK rallies on Colorado Springs and
see what "Focus on the Family" really promotes as an agenda.

By the way, don't for get to get your copy of Windows 95, complete with 
"interest monitoring software" that would make the KGB green with envy.
Investigative reporting from the Microsoft News-room should be very 

	Rex Ballard

From Mon Oct  2 18:57:55 1995
Status: O