Subject: Credit Card Payment From: Express Access Business Office Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 17:27:58 -0500
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Credit Card Payment From: Express Access Business Office Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 17:27:58 -0500

Your Visa card has been charged $ 148.40, and this amount 
has been credited to your account.  

The following summary of account activity shows all service charges
which were included in this payment.

  Date                    Description                     Amount      Balance
--------  -------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------
09/01/95  Previous Balance                                             37.10
10/02/95  Personal-IP Service - October, 1995             35.00        72.10
10/02/95  NJ Tax 6%                                        2.10        74.20
11/01/95  Personal-IP Service - November, 1995            35.00       109.20
11/01/95  NJ Tax 6%                                        2.10       111.30
12/01/95  Personal-IP Service - December, 1995            35.00       146.30
12/01/95  NJ Tax 6%                                        2.10       148.40
12/05/95  Visa card payment on 12/05/95, Reference       148.40 CR      0.00
         +  00161,00190,4717,5

From Wed Dec 20 18:35:05 1995
Status: O