Subject: Re: Defining a "goal" (fwd) From: Rex Ballard Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1996 12:56:56 -0500 (EST)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Defining a "goal" (fwd) From: Rex Ballard Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1996 12:56:56 -0500 (EST)
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> From:
> To:,
> Subject: Re: Defining a "goal" (fwd)
> In a message dated 96-01-04 12:48:13 EST, (John
> Knight) writes:
> >And for GODS sakes!  Don't PAY CHILD SUPPORT or anyother thing to
> >Government!!  STOP paying a what is no better than a Domestic Enemy monies
> >in which to screw each and every one of you all over!  STOP IT!!!  STOP ALL

In some states, it is possible to petition the court and claim that the 
support is unconciounable (sic).  Any attempt to take money after that 
would constitute "loss of life, limb or property" without "due process of 
law", and therefore unconstitutional.  If you can afford it, you can even 
be given a jury of your peers.

Unfortunately, such proceedings are very expensive.

> >(Show me where anyone  won a war while 'feeding' and paying their enemy...IT
> >CAN"T BE DONE...and this MUST be done...  They won't "get it" any other
> >way...)

The enemy is the structure that promotes this "punitive fatherhood" in 
the first place.  Unfortunately, very few individuals take on organized 
religeon without experiencing great personal cost.

> >Sincerely,
> >R.L. Cheney Jr.
> Tell me RL, how can you STOP payments when all is done by court ordered wage
> attachment before you even get you check, the money is gone??

It isn't hard.  Some men work "off the books" for "barter".  The same 
things that women have been doing for a few centuries.  The fundamental 
basis of "Child Support" is that the Mother "Has no income".  She is 
exempt from obligations, the man is expected to pay based on proportions 
of income reported on income taxes.  The woman may do work worth 
thousands of dollars, but she has no reportable income.

It is said that "two can live as cheaply as one".  Then why is a man 
expected to pay 80% of the costs of a 2 person household?  We all 
understand that this is the "compassionate" act to accomodate the mother 
for her contribution.

Maybe Mom should "Get a Job".  Or, maybe she should find a boyfriend or 
husband who will "Get a Job".  Then, the appropriate share of the child 
support would be about 10% of the total household expenses.  That would 
still be 10 times what Newt Gingrich paid in Child Support.

Any politician who wants to go after "dead-beat-dads" should be willing 
to turn over 20% of his income to DYFSS, should only be allowed to see 
his children for 4 hours every 2 weeks, and should be willing to be 
celebate for 2 years.  These are things most estranged fathers must 
endure to qualify to be a "dead-beat-dad".

> Monica

	Rex Ballard - Director of Electronic Distribution

From Tue Jan  9 16:57:20 1996