Subject: Re: Boycott Playboy Magazine (fwd) From: Rex Ballard Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1996 17:55:30 -0500 (EST)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Boycott Playboy Magazine (fwd) From: Rex Ballard Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1996 17:55:30 -0500 (EST)
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On Wed, 10 Jan 1996, fathers wrote:

> From:
> >From: Rex Ballard 
> >On Fri, 5 Jan 1996 wrote:
> >> Rex Ballard  wrote:
> >>
> >> >Abortion rights for women implies that the woman is exclusively accountable
> >> for the choice, the responsibilities, and the consequences of her choice to
> >> have a child.  This is the cornerstone from which the "punitive child-support
> >> with denied visitation" can be attacked.
> >>
> >> Yes. "Reproduction without represention is tyranny!"
> >
> >Actually, we are talking about taxation without representation.  The
> >estranged father, once he falls behind on child support, is forced to pay
> >child support through DYFSS, to reemburse them for welfare benefits paid
> >during the delinquency.  Once the father is "paid up", he must continue
> >to pay "DYFSS" who will hold the funds "in escrow" (my term not theirs)
> >in case he skips town.
> What is the "DYFSS", a deduction directly from his salary!

DYFSS stands for "Department of Youth and Family Support Services".  This
organization has been givne "carte blanc" in the state of New York to 
meddle in the affairs of anyone it want to bother.  It has even gon so 
fare as to try and force 12 Step organizations and Religeous leaders into 
becoming "informants".  Most licensed social workers are compelled to 
report even suspicions of domestic violence, drug abuse, alcholism, 
sexual misconduct, incest, or "other criminal activities or conspirisies"
directly to DYFSS.  If an incident occurrs, and it is later determined 
that the LSW had information that was not reported, they can lose their 

This information is used to "intervene" in the family.  Children can be 
taken from either or both parents.  Women can be solicited into leaving 
their husbands.  Often "potential victims" are turned over to legal 
resources who will encourage the mother to divorce the father at his 

Finally, DYFSS is responsible for Child Support Enforcement.  They can 
force the mother to "turn in" the father if he ever tries to see his 
children after missing as little as 3 consecutive monthly payments.  They 
can "inspect" the mother's apartment at any time for signs of vermin, 
especially adult male companions.

For the social workers of DYFSS, it isn't about money, or the families.  
It's about power.  The visiting "councilor" can take almost any action 
she chooses.  If the children are healthy white infants (under 1 year old)
she can literally have the police officers pick up the baby for "trash on 
the floor".  Such children are worth over $100,000 in legal fees, 
evaluation fees, and councilling fees.

> Lucky us, in the Province of Quebec, fathers' alimonies and pensions get
> deduced automatically as soon as it is accepted by the courts! Thus, even
> if you've always paid well, you are impose this humiliation.
> If you're  working on you're own, you have a large deposit to put in your
> IRS-retained account...
> The beauty to be a male....

DYFSS would like to have the authority to do this.  In this country, 
taxation must be equally distributed.  In states with ERA amendments, the 
father cannot be disproportionally taxed.

> Take care,
> Jean
> 'Ils font comme les loups, ils se mordent entre eux, mais ils chassent
> ensemble.'  Larminat

	Rex Ballard - Director of Electronic Distribution

From Thu Jan 18 13:56:16 1996