Subject: Clickshare to support CASIE advertising guidelines From: Newshare Corp. Date: Sun, 12 Nov 1995 23:33:12 -0500 (EST)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Clickshare to support CASIE advertising guidelines From: Newshare Corp. Date: Sun, 12 Nov 1995 23:33:12 -0500 (EST)


	WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass., Nov. 13 -- Newshare Corp., developer of the
Clickshare tracking and transaction system, said Monday it had joined the
Interactive Alliance, an advertising-industry consortium developing
Internet audience-measurement standards. 

	The company also said it will support privacy and other guidelines
contained in an industry white paper developed by the Coalition for
Advertising Supported Information and Entertainment (CASIE). CASIE's
members control the majority of the $150 billion U.S. advertising market. 

	"The addition of Clickshare adds strength to The Interactive
Alliance," said Marshall L. Snyder, executive vice president, Arbitron
NewMedia and an alliance founder. "Their business proposition has the
potential to generate large numbers of identified web users." 

	Newshare Corp. is alpha-testing its Clickshare system, which
enables Internet publishers to cooperate in generating and sharing content
revenues. The absence of a micro- transaction information standard has
prevented many publishers from using the World Wide Web so far. 
	Under Clickshare, each consumer chooses a most-trusted publisher to
whom to identify himself/herself and Clickshare will never see the names.
That publisher and user determine how the user's name and demographic
information may be used. 

Simplifying information access

	Clickshare enables the anonymous tracking of individual users as
they jump among unrelated Internet sites, and offers a facility to settle
information transactions down to as little as 10 cents. Clickshare
requires no special user software and simplifies user access to
information by rendering multiple registration at Web sites unnecessary. 

	"The Interactive Alliance has already brought together so much of
the industry in acknowledging common principles, it will make our job
easier to bring about publisher cooperation,"  said Bill Densmore,
Newshare's president. "And the CASIE working group principles strike a
laudable balance among marketing requirements for a user census, the
consumer's need for ease-of-use and democracy's need to assure personal

	CASIE is a joint project of the Association of National
Advertisers and the American Association of Advertising Agencies with the
support of the Advertising Research Foundation. It seeks to define a
universal standard for third- party verification of audience claims by Web
publishers which gathers uniform usage data about individual users, while
respecting their privacy. 

	"Audience measurement efforts which adhere to the CASIE principles
should help grow interactive media and benefit all those involved,
including advertisers, media buyers and sellers," said Judy Black, senior
partner and director of the BJK&E Interactive Group and also the chair of
the CASIE research subcommittee. 

What is the Alliance? 

	The Interactive Alliance is working to assemble the most
comprehensive and definitive ongoing database on worldwide interactive
media use. It was formed in 1995 by Next Century Media Inc., and The
Arbitron Company. Other consortium members, in addition to Newshare Corp.,
now include Interse, McCollum Spielman Worldwide and MarketCast. 

	The Audit Bureau of Circulations and its technical support
affiliate, WebTrack, have agreed to be participants in the work of The
Alliance. Representatives of over 40 other industry organizations have
agreed to participate as alliance advisors. 

	"Clickshare and The Interactive Alliance share a philosophy of
cooperatively lifting the Interactive lake to raise all ships,"  noted
Bill Harvey, president and CEO, Next Century Media. "It turns out that the
Internet, which arose like topsy with no central direction, can become a
more valuable business for content providers and advertisers by the same
process of decentralized collaboration." 

	The advertising and publishing industries are struggling to reach
a technology and consensus for the measurement and tracking of World Wide
Web usage. The Newspaper Association of America has convened a Nov. 14
summit in Dallas so that major publishers and system vendors can discuss
audience measurement principles. Newshare is among invited participants in
the summit. 

About the participants

	Newshare Corp. was founded in September 1994 by a veteran
publisher, a university technologist and a marketing executive as the
Internet's first news brokerage, with a goal of building a free market for
digital information among independent publishers and their users. Its
first product is Clickshare.  Williamstown, Mass.-based Newshare is
privately funded. 

	Next Century Media is a team of advertising and media-research
executives committed to maximizing the effectiveness of Interactive media
worldwide for advertisers, agencies, network operators, content providers
and consumers. Next Century Media clients include advertisers and agencies
collectively representing over $23 billion in annual advertising
investments, plus a large number of network operators. 

	Arbitron NewMedia, a unit of the Arbitron Company, was established
in 1994 to provide a wide range of survey research, consulting and
methodological services to the cable, telecommunications, direct broadcast
satellite, online and new media industries. The Arbitron Company is a
media information firm providing services to broadcasters, advertisers and
agencies. The Arbitron Company is a division of Ceridian Corp. 

	"Clickshare" and "Newshare" are U.S.-registered servicemarks of 
Newshare Corp.

NOTE TO EDITORS: The document: "Key Points About Clickshare, CASIE
and Audience Measurement" is available by Email to update(at)
or via the World Wide Web at:

Additional information about Clickshare may be found at:

 The "CASIE Guiding Principles of Interactive Media Audience," 
are available at:

NEWSHARE CORP.: Felix Kramer, Kramer Communications, (212) 866-
4864 (; for other inquiries contact Lynn 
Duncan or Bill Densmore, Newshare Corp., (413) 458-8001 
( For general information send Email to or visit

Arbitron NewMedia: Thom Mocarsky, (212) 887-1314.

Next Century Media Inc.: Bill Harvey, (914) 255-2222 or (415) 


From Thu Jan 18 13:56:52 1996