Subject: Re: Burning the Constitution - Re: HR4 - Welfare Reform Bill (fwd) From: Rex Ballard Date: Thu, 8 Feb 1996 01:27:34 -0500 (EST)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Burning the Constitution - Re: HR4 - Welfare Reform Bill (fwd) From: Rex Ballard Date: Thu, 8 Feb 1996 01:27:34 -0500 (EST)
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	Rex Ballard - Director of Electronic Distribution

On Thu, 11 Jan 1996, Robert wrote:
> Gentlemen, HR4 is sexist, pure and simple. Yet fear not, men will put up with
> it.
> Imagine recreating slavery, but saying "Don't worry. We'll be fair. Only
> those who belong to the gender that didn't become managers in great numbers
> will be affected."

They ARE creating slavery.  When the south Bought their slaves, the north 
RENTED them.  The "dead-beat-dad-laws" are a simple way of reducing the 
"overhead" of slavery.  NCP Fathers can be forced to pay as much as 75% 
of their income to other people, leaving them with below-subsistance 
income.  By leaving a man with just enough to pay for his own room and 
security, and giving him the "illusion" of freedom, you can avoid the 
high overhead of paying for guards and prison cells.

You can even get him to pick his own guard.  Let him move in with a woman 
(whom he will feel obligated to support).  His "Jailer" will take the 
remaining 25% - he might need enough to buy a soda or snack.  As long as 
he doesn't get MARRIED.  The tax bite stays at it's maximum.

> The central issue is WHO GETS THE KIDS. Whoever gets them wins the game. Men
> have made way for women in the workplace. Women have not done the same at
> home. So the get the kids, and with that everything else. 

Everything in our culture is designed to insulate the father from the 
kids.  Even our clothes (a woman exposes over 40% of her body when 
wearing a dress or shorts, a man exposes only his face and hands for 
almost his entire public life.

> The wonder, the sheer overwhelming wonder of it all, is men ACCEPT that!

Not all of them do!  Some of them get drunk and SHOOT their wives.  If 
they can make it look like something done in a rage (2nd degree murder or 
manslaugter) their out on parole in 7 to 10 years.

The days when you could just withhold the payments are over.  Most of 
them can force pull the payments directly from your paycheck, savings, 
checking, or credit-card accounts.

> Well, maybe guys really ARE unaware, insensitive, stupid, ball-less, foolish
> creatures who shouldn't be around families.

It only takes "balls" to fertilize an ovum.  It takes "A heart full of 
grace and a soul full of love" to be a father who empowers the children 
AND the mother.

The perception of fathers who pay their child support as "wimps" and 
"nutless wonders" denies the true quality of paternal commitment.  The 
men of India come to the United States for as much as 4 years to earn 
money which they send back to their families.  They live 6 to an 
apartment in slums to maximize the amount they send to their children.  
When he returns, he is an honored member of the community.  His children 
are trained as leaders in the community.

An American Man who lives in a studio apartment and drives a 10-year-old 
Datsun so that he can pay his child support is called a gutless wonder.  
He is not respected, is treated like something worse than a queer by 
women, and is publicly humiliated by single men for the duration of his 
20 year commitment.

> Men could have stopped this any time they wanted to. If they gave a hoot
> about something other than work, beer, and sports (like equity, fairness,
> etc.) they could have fought back. They chose not to.

The perception that "Real Men don't eat quiche", the a "Real Man's 7 
Course Dinner is a 6-pack and a Pizza", and that "Real Men consider 
sports a Religeon", is the problem in the first place.

The fact is that most of the fathers who are hardest hit, and most 
subjected to "Slavery" are those who have made Service, Love, Commitment, 
and Integrity the cornerstones of their lives.  They will pay their child 
support because they promised to support the child for 20 years.  It 
doesn't matter that the mother broke her word, the man made this promise 
to himself.  The question isn't whether he will pay child support, it is 
how much he must pay.  He will also pay his taxes, get the right licenses 
and insurances for his health, life, car, home, and even his ex-wife.  If 
being true to his word means that he ends up sleeping in a flop-house or 
a "no-tell motel", he will do it.

These men will want to ensure that they have someone they know they can 
trust.  Who better than the woman he loved and trusted for the previous 
years prior to the divorce.  If he didn't trust her, he wouldn't have 
married her in the first place, he wouldn't have inseminated her, and he 
wouldn't have stayed with her during and after the pregnancy.  Even if 
she is a shrew and sleeps around with an entire football team, he will be 
fiercely loyal to his trust of her.  This is true Love, unconditional 
Love.  This instinct is exploited by the politicians who want to increase 
the coffers with hiking taxes "across the board".

> Will any group fight this bill? No. They grouse online, but that's all.

The bill was Vetoed.  It was too draconean for "Bounty Hunter Bill 

> Kiss your rights goodbye, gents. You're the new whipping-boys of the world.

The whipping boy of England was responsible for training the next Prince 
of Wales.  He would whip his own son because he could not harm the 
Prince.  The KingMaker would insure that the Bond between the Prince and 
his son was sufficiently strong that the King would be truly 
disciplined.  The Prince would quickly learn that as King, every action 
he took would have a direct impact on every one of his subjects.  Perhaps 
this is why the English Monarchy has lasted so long!

(My real name is Rexford Ernest Ballard - a direct descendent of the 
original "whipping boy").

> I mean, why act? Better to spend another 300 years seeing if we can find a
> "goal,"...while cattle prods fire in our butts. And "family" means NO MEN.

Eventually, left uncorrected, the culture will degenerate into a "laws of 
the Street" environment.  When the responsible men have died of heart 
attacks induced by working long hours without emotional support or 
reciprocated love.  We will literally die of broken hearts.

What will be left behind are the most selfish, self-centered, egotistical
forms of masculinity ever to walk the earth.  They will make O.J. Simpson
look like "Mother Teresa".  Women will capture them and milk them like cows
before killing them.  This is the way in the matriarchal culture. 

Males may not be killed immediately, but they will driven out of the 
community when their unbridled puberty and limbic behavour - untempered 
by the discipline of other men, will make them to violent and abusive to 
remain in the community.  Outside the citedels, the men will make war on 
each other.  The survivors will be captured or will capture women.  Over 
time, we can look forward to another "Dark Ages".  The culture of Greece 
eventually collapsed and was replaced by the Romans, the Huns, and the 
Mongolians.  Eventually, the last vestiges of eastern islamic culture was 
wiped out by the Crusades.  The feminist, matriachial culture of the 
Celts, Danes, Juts, Gauls, Normans and Brits was exterminated.  15 
Million women were tortured and killed by the Inquisition.

In 100 years, left to the current trend, the technology of today will 
give rise to the "Merlins" of tommorrow.  Effeminate men whose lack of 
limbic instincts enable them to learn the technologies of the women 
(Merlin was taught by Elaine-the lady of the Lake, Nimue the Nyph, and 
Morgana the Fairie).  Perhaps, in 300 years or so, we will see a new 
"Magna Carta", perhaps someone will dig up a copy of the Declaration of 
Independence or the Bill of Rights.  They will decipher it and come up 
with their own version of the "Round Table".

The cycle is predictible.  The Babylonians under Hammurabi, the Egyptians 
under Tutenkamen and RAmIses (Ramosis, Moses), and Even the Nazerene 
under the Rule of the Romans.  The "monotheists" destroyed all that which 
did not fit with their concept of perfection.  The resulting culture 
degenerated into lawlessness empowered by religeon.

The United States of America was built on the foundations of the 
Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.  
The fundamental belief that government was based on the participation of 
individuals and that the protection of the rights of individuals was the 
fundamental purpose of government.

The Revolutionary war started because King George and his Ministers had 
abandoned the principles of the Magna Carta.

If "King Bill" and his Ministers (and his successors) insist on revoking 
the original 10 bill of rights, the consequences are predictible.  The 
Revolutionary War started when 2 dozen delinquent hoodlums, the 
illegitimate offspring of british soldiers, provoked a handful of guards 
into firing into the crowd and killing some of the young men.  Defending 
the soldiers was a young Lawyer by the name of Thomas Jefferson.  The men 
were aquitted, but the revolution had already begun.

Robert, are you offering to take that first bullet?
Sam and John Adams argued for a congressional resolution on independence 
for several years before Thomas Jefferson finally wrote a document which 
represented values worth hanging for, worth shooting and being shot by 
RedCoat Soldiers for.

Ending Fatherlessnes isn't a sufficiently large game.  We need to decide 
what would honor the dignities and commitments of Men, Women, and 
Children.  What fundamental rights are being advocated?  What fundamental 
responsibilities are being accepted?  Answer these and you may have a 
cause worth dying for.

> -Robert 

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1996 01:48:00 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Burning the Constitution - Re: HR4 - Welfare Reform Bill (fwd)
>  wrote:
	This detailed analisys was MINE (Rex Ballard -
	Kris only forwarded it to the list.
> >You need to PAY YOUR CHILD SUPPORT -if you expect to be able to vote in 
> the primaries and the next election. 
> >This automatically and immediately elevates all support proceedings to 
> the level of federal criminal law. 
> >...revokes an NCPs right to privacy.  In addition, it can be used to force a
> man's wife to incriminate her husband.
> >...the Republicans...have just put the entire collection and support under
> government control.
> >...if a man misses even one child support payment, the state and federal
> governement have the right to collect it automatically ...Another 20% right
> off the top.
> > can get a driver's license but you will go to jail if you try.
> >...they are now mandating that everything have the SS number on it.
> > if N.Y. State thinks fathers should pay 40% if their pre-tax income, I
> could be forced to pay that amount to my ex in Colorado (where the cost of
> living is 1/4 what it is in New York).
> >...if she doesn't turn you in, she can starve.  As can the children.  
> >This looks a bit like "Bounty Hunting" to me.  If a state collects more 
> child support it gets a bigger bounty. 
> >This makes sure that Uncle Sam can search all 50 states at the same time.
> > doesn't matter what you and your spouse agreed to at 
> the time of the divorce, the Feds can demand MORE. 
> >Even if Congress doesn't want more, the States can automatically raise 
> your level, and they don't even have to tell you (guaranteed to put you 
> in arrears).
> >You can get poor credit (by reporting what you actually make) or no credit
> (by letting the government take whatever you have left).
> >The State and Federal government can steal the money right out of your 
> bank account.  
> >God forbid you should want to retire.  Taking the money out of your 401K 
> could result in a fraudulent transfer if you owe any back child support.
> >The court can force the bank to reposess your car and home....You can't even
> sell it yourself and try to get a fair price.  The house goes up for
> "Government Auction".  The only bidders will be the in-laws of congressmen.
>  That house that you financed for $100,000 - ought to go 
> for about $35,000.
> >How are you going to maintain that 6 figure income if you can't leave the
> country to close the big deals with international customers.
> >There is no place in the world where you can be free.  The guys from DHHS
> can kidnap you from anywhere in the world and force you to work until you are
> to old to think about retiring.
> >Want to start your own business, forget it.  You are now a SLAVE of the 
> Department of Health and Human Services.
> >Thought you might be able to go back to college.  NOT!  
> >Don't worry about child support to Mama if she's an Indian (Native 
> American).  Your child support will fund the reservation's tax-free 
> cigarette inventory.
> >Wanted a bank, credit card, checking account, savings account, or 
> share/draft account?  Too Bad.  Whatever you put in will be coming out.
> >Remember that HMO you were paying for under the "Family Plan" using 
> pre-tax dollars.  You now have to pay the same amount directly to ERISA 
> using after-tax dollars.
> >That little gouging of 50% of your after-tax income just went up to about 
> 75% of your after tax income. 
> >Your dad took early retirement, just turned 65, and were looking forward 
> to enjoying their pension.  Uncle Sam won't be sending them anything 
> until you are "paid up".  Your parents can eat "cat food".
> =======

From Thu Feb  8 01:41:32 1996