Subject: Re: Feminism and Censorship -- Afterthought From: Rex Ballard Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 20:16:15 -0500 (EST)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Feminism and Censorship -- Afterthought From: Rex Ballard Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 20:16:15 -0500 (EST)
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	Rex Ballard - Director of Electronic Distribution

On Wed, 14 Feb 1996, fathers wrote:

> Dear Rex,
> Would you be interested in helping to set this up.  I will provide the 
> web page and site and plenty of disk storage, put it into HTML format, 
> forward posts to the 15,000 Signatories, if you can plug the other part 
> of this in.
> Thanks,
> John
Yes, I would be willing to do this.  I will need to e-mail with you.  I 
need to talk to you about what is needed.  We need a Unix/Linux box, I 
could set up a Linux system to do this fairly easily.  I need sudo or 
root access.  Please send private e-mail about this matter.

From Fri Feb 16 23:05:46 1996