Subject: Re: Feminism Nazism From: Rex Ballard Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 23:05:44 -0500 (EST)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Feminism Nazism From: Rex Ballard Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 23:05:44 -0500 (EST)
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	Rex Ballard - Director of Electronic Distribution

On Fri, 16 Feb 1996, fathers wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 20:00:16 -0600 (CST)
> From: Andy Duncan 
> Sounds like a wake up call to me.  Anybody sleeping?
> At 03:04 PM 2/15/96 -0800, you wrote:
> >---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 10:38:15 +1200
> >From:
> >To:
> >Subject: RE: Feminism Nazism (
> >
> >Perhaps I should draw your attention to the
> >writings of one Andrea Dworkin (I think Dork would be
> >a more appropriate name), prominent feminist who
> >has been published widely and is internationally known.

Andrea Dworkin is to Radical Feminism what Nitche was to the Nazis or 
what Trotsky was to the Stalinist Soviets.  No self-respecting feminist 
would actually advocate Dworkin's propositions as an Ideal for public 
policy.  At the same time, very powerful and influential women, from 
Governer Whitman to Hillery Clinton have been influenced by Dworkin's 
writings to the point of implementing many of her more "palatable" 
propositions (putting ex-husbands in jail for their infidelity - 
infidelity meaning any life after marriage - even one of celebacy and 

> >Apart from the usual crap, (all men are rapists), Dworkin's
> >half baked philosophy has a disturbing base.

> >She believes that the Y Chromosome (which makes us male, or
> >at least those reading this who are) is a genetic aberration
> >and believes that males are a freak of nature.

She uses scientific knowledge of biochemistry.  A male human can be 
produced by infusing testosterone into the bloodstream of either a 
genetic male or a genetic female.  Conversely, genetic males can develope 
into females if the testosterone is not given a chance to be absorbed 
into the body.

Dr Mengala and Herr Eichman were masters at taking the characteristics of 
people with Down's Syndrome to the characteristics of Jews.

Dworkin also makes a case for Testosterone as a poison.  The effects 
	Enlargement of the limbic system - resulting in:
		excessive aggression.
		competititive win/lose thinking.
		Winner-take-all relationship to conflict.
		Demand for unconditional surrender.
		Violence and Anger as fundamental personality motives.
		Associations of Violence, Terror, Control, and Power with sex.
		Episodes of "Rage" - uncontrollable anger with dire consequences.
		An instinctive drive to enslave, dominate, and intimidate women.
	Altered metabolism - resulting in:
		Prostate Cancer, Testicle Cancer, High Blood Pressure.
		High Triglycerides and High Cholestoral (testosterone is one 
		    atom different from cholestoral and male blood is more receptive).
		Heart Disease, Obesity, amd Baldness.
		Propensity toward Alcholism and Drug Addiction.

She then points out that this would have been the natural evolution of 
selective breeding in which the superior warrior survived to spawn 
offspring while more passive, less aggressive men would be killed early 
in the battle.  She points out that men have been killing each other 
in wars for nearly 25,000 years.

Then she creates the Spectre of a dense urban population filled with 
passive women and aggressive warriors, with no war to go to.  She then 
cites a litiny of urban warfare in the form of Gang violence, drive by 
shootings, drug dealers, and sidewalk murders.  Usually events her staff 
and supporters have gleaned from the press in the last 30 days.  One of 
her more convincing demonstrations is to cite a litiny of murders, gang 
wars, rapes, and aggrivated assaults that have occurred in a single city 
within a single 24 hour period (very impressive if you pick the right day 
of the week and of the lunar cycle).

The interesting thing was that these persuasive arguments were first 
generated on soc.women or net.women during the early 1980's.  I was one 
of the early contributors (  There was also,
mindy (lime jello fan), oded feingold, and

> >She believes that the only justifiable males are transvestites
> >and transsexuals as they are being honest with what she believes
> >to be the true inner desire of all men - to be women as nature
> >intended.

Even those would be second class citizens.  They would be inferior 
because they would not be capable of bearing children.  A few would be 
kept around to spawn the subsequent generations.

> >She believes that all men should be given the choice of either
> >having a sex change or going to the gas chamber.

Before going to the gas chamber, they would spend 10 to 20 years in slave 
labor for their "crimes against feminity".

> >I am not joking - this loony is for real and is taken
> >seriously all over the world by feminazis.

This loony is actually a "face" for an entire newsgroup (soc.women).  If 
you think she's loony - take a look at the 1984 transcripts of 
soc.religeon.christian, talk.religeon.christian, and talk.abortion.  That 
is where you find out what is REALLY on the agenda of the Christian 
Coalition aka Focus on the Family aka Fundamentalist Christianity aka the 
Klu Klux Klan.

This group would like to pass a constitutional ban on abortion.  Not only 
would this ban force women to bear children, it would force the man to 
provide financial support for the mother and child within the context of 
marriage.  A father who conceived a child out of wedlock would be guilty 
of a crime punishable by 20 years or more in prison.  He would be given 
probation for the first offence - only if he married the mother and 
agreed to submit to her protective custody.  The amendment would also 
eliminate many of the protections of the Bill of Rights and the 
constitution.  Violation of this "Probation" would result in mandatory 
slavery (called a "work-release program") for 40 years.  You would be 
eligible for parole in 10 to 20 years, but ONLY if you had a vasectomy 
(tho some advocates preferr castration).

The primary target of such legislation was minorities, since they have 
the highest divorce rates and the highest incedence of conception out of 
wedlock.  Poor "white trash" would also be caught in this snare.  
Unforunately, so would most middle class men. 

It is only now that a substantial body of responsible middle-class 
blue-collar and white-collar workers including doctors, engineers, and 
accountants are being caught in the snares that people are actually 
rethinking what structures might be put in place to protect them.  For 
most though, it's like the Dolphins who get caught in the Tuna Nets.  The 
fishermen don't intend to trap the dolphins in the net (dolphins can rip 
small holes in the nets which have to be mended.  On the other hand, they 
get Mahi Mahi money ($1000) when this "unfortunate incident" happens.  
The politicians don't maliciously intend to snare responsible productive 
members of society, but it's worth about $35,000/year for each one that 
gets caught in that "unfortunate incident".  The fishermen uses his 
dolphin money to buy bigger and better nets.  The politiion uses his 
white-collar money to buy bigger and better DHHS staff and equipment.

> >Read her rubbish myself if you don't believe me.

Why support her financially?  Just tune into soc.women, talk.women, 
talk.abortion, or talk.religeon.christian.

> >I personally do not want to be subject to her
> >FINAL SOLUTION but if keep on being apathetic we might be.

You already are!  What has happened to your 401K or IRA?  How much did 
you expect to get from Social Security?  Did you think YOU would get 
disability money without paying your obligation (based on your imputed 
income potential) first?  Did you really think you would get that 
unemployment check when you got laid off (not until your kids/DHHS gets 
their $250/week).

You need a place to sleep?  Well, there are some abandoned military bases 
that were used for "Boot Camp" at Fort Dix and Paris Island - We can send 
you there?  We can't afford to keep it heated to a nice comfortable 
temperature.  We'll heat it to 40 degrees and you can wear nice winter 
coats you can make yourselves - out of the surplus army blankets.  The 
quanset huts get a little warm in the summertime.

Ever see "Cool Hand Luke"?  It's a great movie starring Paul Newman...
It will give you a sense of what you can look forward to.

Oh and due to the shortage of qualified medical personnel and security 
personnell, we will not be able to separate those with HIV from those who 
are HIV negative.  We will also have to handcuff all new inmates to their 
beds face-down until we can determine whether they have violent 
tendencies.  Their room mates (all 40 of them) will be happy to make sure 
that they feel welcomed - part of the family if you know what I mean.  
Would you like this court jar of petroleum jelly?

> >Kind regards
> >Darryl Ward

Happy Nightmeres.

	Rex Ballard

From Sat Feb 17 11:52:54 1996