Subject: Re: TSRM From: Rex Ballard Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 03:09:32 -0500 (EST)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: TSRM From: Rex Ballard Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 03:09:32 -0500 (EST)
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	Rex Ballard - Director of Electronic Distribution
	Standard & Poor's/McGraw-Hill
	Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect
	the Management of the McGraw-Hill Companies.

On Fri, 23 Feb 1996 wrote:

> Dear Rex:
> Listed below is some more info about the positions we spoke about earlier.
> Consultant:     (The techie "guru")
> Intro to JM & Co.
> Business Analysis
> Business System
> Design/Impl.
> Architect
> TSRM (They will train)
> Client Server
> Gui design
> One of the following three:
> P/B   or  Case Tool  (IEF, ADW, SE)  or  MS office prof.
> Architecture/Platform   One of the following:
> IBM platforms
> cobol
> PL/1
> C
> C++
> DB2
> Intro to JM & CO
> Business Analysis
	I have done Business Analysis in several environments, including 
	parts of the Federal Express package tracking system, work-Flow
	design and support at Great-West Life, and Development of 
	Electronic Publishing technologies for Dow Jones, McGraw-Hill, and 
	subscribers to the "Online Newspapers" mailing list (about 4000
	publishers, editors, and webmasters).

> Business System
	Much of my work has been in altering the relationship of time in
	business.  My initial experience of designing real-time responses
	to 65,000 calls/hour for Directory Assistance and LIFE 911 Emergency
	Hotline Dispatch systems.  This experience was later used to provide
	real-time responses to package-tracking.  In the insurance 
	industry, we pioneered an audio response touch-tone 401K management 
	system that could provide real-time execution of 401K transfers 
	between a variety of funds (currently up to about 100).  In 
	publishing, my work has changed the concept of "deadline" from
	days to seconds, not only for financial information feeds, but 
	for technology.

> Design/Impl.
	I am familiar with a variety of different design methodologies 
	including Yourdon, Constantine, DeMarco, Ward-Meller, 
	Meller-Schlear.  I have created and organized Data-Flow Diagrams,
	Data Dictionaries, Entity/Relationship Diagrams, Object Oriented
	Design (Booch), and State-Transition diagrams.  I have also used
	several project management systems including MacProject, Sun 
	Project Manager and Microsoft Project.  This includes project plans
	for large multimillion dollar projects.

> Architect
	My Forte' is infrastructure and architecture.  At Computer 
	Consoles, I helped redefine much of the architecture of computers.
	The Directory Assistance System implemented for British Telecom 
	incorporated over 1000 CPUs, as many as 24/chassis, in coordinated
	effort to provide both fault-tolerance and parallel processing.

	I am familiar with several architectures, including Unix (and 
	most variants), Windows (and variants), OS/2, and Embedded Systems
	(PDAs, controllers, FORTH).  I have a working knowledge of MVS, VMS,
	and several proprietary architectures.

> TSRM  (they will train)

> Client Server
	My entire career has been focused heavily in Client/Server 
	computing from one of the first Novell NetWare systems, to
	multi-processor parallel tasking and network management.  This
	includes experience with all 7 layers of the OSI model, including
	HDLC, X.25, Frame-Relay, ISDN, TCP/IP, Sockets Application Programmer Interfaces, Remote 
	Procedure Calls (Sun RPC and NFS), Distributed Computing 
	Environment (DCE), and Oracle (Pro*C).  I have some experience 
	with PERL and Common Graphical interfaces to the World-Wide Web as well.

	I have also used tools such as Sun Net-Manager and PERL to create 
	mechanism to monitor, measure, and manage large client/server systems.

> GUI design
	I have worked on several windowing and GUI systems.  My strongest
	area is X11 (Motif, OpenLook, InterViews, and TK/TCL).  I have some
	experience with Microsoft Foundation Classes, and some experience
	with World Wide Web technologies as well.  I have light background
	in JAVA and VRML.

> Enterprise Eng
	Much of my work in electronic publishing has actually pushed 
	beyond enterprise to inter-enterprise.  My background includes 
	coordinating efforts for 5 divisions of Great-West Life in addition
	to coordinating between Canada and U.S. operations.

	I established IntraNets (Internet Technology within the private
	corporate Local Area Network) at Computer Consoles, Federal-Express,
	Great-West Life, Dow Jones, and McGraw-Hill.

	I have also been one of the thousands of internet pioneers who 
	helped commercialize the internet.

> Facilitation

> effective writing
	I have been extremely effective at writing proposals and 
	documents which cause action.  I am capable of writing formal 
	reports including illustrations.  I have used Microsoft Office,
	Word-Perfect, and several "Generic" Write/Paint/Draw.

> Proj. Mgmt
	In addition to using several Project Management Tools described above,
	I also have quite a bit of experience organizing large projects 
	(as many as 5 managers and 25 programmers).  At Dow-Jones and 
	McGraw-Hill, I coordinated several joint-venture projects, as many
	as 25 simultaneous projects.

> Tools, One of the following:
> P/B  or Case tools (IEF, ADW, SE) or MS office prof.
	I have used several CASE tools, including CADRE TEAM-WORK, Foundry,
	and rapid prototype tools such as Lex, Yacc, Awk, Perl, Prolog,
	and FORTH.  I have some experience with CASE*Method.

	I have used Microsoft office, including development of forms, 
	templates, and macros for Access, Excel, Word, and Project.  I have
	also used Visio and Microsoft Project.  I have experimented with 
	Power Builder.

> Architecture/Platform, competence in at least one of the following.
> IBM Platforms
	I have a working knowledge of MVS and VM/CMS.
> cobol
	I have done several ports where I was given cobol source which 
	was used to port that functionality to C and Open Systems enviroments.

> PL/1
	I have written a few programs in PL/1, mostly to write servers to
	support client-server access to DB2, VSAM, and IMS databases.

> C
	I have an extensive background in C, programming on everything from
	operating systems for embedded switches and cluster controllers to
	 windows applications on ES-9000 Mainframes.  I am familiar with both 
	standard/open (Posix/ANSI/X-Open) and object-oriented technologies.

> C++
	I have some experience in C++, mostly under InterViews toolkit 
	and Microsoft Foundation Classes.

> DB2
	I have used SQL on several platforms including DB2, SQL/DS,
	Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and Access.

	Most of my work with IMS was implementing servers that accessed 
	data in Batch mode through the BMP.  Much of this was about 4 years

	This was another area where I wrote servers to pull data from legacy
	systems through a server to agents (Unix) and clients (Unix, Windows).

	I have written several JCL scripts including JES2 and JES3 scripts
	for InterDomain applications.  I also generated dynamic JES 
	scripts which were submitted via the "FTP Submit" facility in
	Access/MVS and TCP/IP for MVS.

> I hope you understand the difference between the consultant and the SR.
> consultant.  Ira and I both feel from reading your resume that you would be a
> better fit for the Sr. consultant.   
> Although I do not check my E-mail over the weekend you should feel free to
> write back.  I do check our office voice mail, feel free to leave a message
> here at 1-800-476-0919.
> Sincerely,
> Lisa Severn
> Lisagodd@AOL.COM

From Thu Feb 29 03:45:55 1996