Subject: Re: B&D Bars in New York?! Know any? From: Rex Ballard Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 01:33:31 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: B&D Bars in New York?! Know any? From: Rex Ballard Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 01:33:31 -0400 (EDT)
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On 7 Apr 1996 wrote:

> Can anyone tell me of any B&D/S&M themed bars in New York city.  I'll be there the weekend
> of April 13th and wanted to check out the scene.  
> Sincerely,

It's a little late, but...

Most of the better B&D clubs are on 14th street, between 8th avenue and
the Waterfront.  Hellfire is on about 9th avenue.  Lot's of B&D, TVs, TSs,
and toys.  Cover is about $30.

The Vault is on 11th Ave, between 11th street and 12th street.

Also in the neighborhood - Hawgs & Heffers (Harley Types).

Most of these places have a variety of Gay/Streight/Bi action and have
nicely managed "play rooms".  It's a good idea to bring a friend for
your first few visits.

> Greg
> Aslo looking for female sub to show me around.

From Sat May  4 14:39:51 1996