Subject: Digital Express Group - Invoice From: Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 15:05:59 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Digital Express Group - Invoice From: Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 15:05:59 -0400

6800 Virginia Manor Road
Beltsville, MD 20705
+1 301 847 5005
Federal Tax I.D. Number: 52-1672337

SOLD TO:                           Invoice Date:	05/02/96
REXFORD E. BALLARD                 Email:
1598 RIVER RD.                     Invoice Number:	876
BELLE MEAD NJ 08502                Account Number:	20007217

Invoice for:
Previous Unpaid Balance.......................:         0.00       
Total New Charges.............................:        37.45       
Total Invoice.................................:        37.45       

Payment Term: due upon receipt

Account Statement:

Date      Description                      Amount              Balance
----      -----------                      ------              -------
05/01/96  Invoice 876                       37.45                37.45

This charge will be applied to your credit card.

This invoice has been created and sent using DIGEX's new Billing System.
You will be receiving a separate e-mail with a more detailed explanation.


REXFORD E. BALLARD                 Invoice Number:	876


Login          Description                                     QTY      Amount         Tax
-----          -----------                                     ---      ------         ---
rballard       Part-Time IP Monthly                              1       35.00        2.45

Sub Total                                                                35.00        2.45
Total                                                                    37.45            

From Tue May 14 11:01:42 1996