Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 13:28:32 -0400
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On Sat, 22 Jun 1996, Eric wrote:
> I have been considering learning the Unix environment and would like to
> install Linux on a machine that is stand alone from my personal desktop.
> I have a laptop 482dx2 66mhz w8mb Ram that might be a contender. My
> question is, would there be any drawback to doing this? Would there be
> many initially installation difficulties (PCMCIA-related?).
I have installed Linux on laptops before. It isn't difficult, but you may
be limited to a more "Generic" video driver set and modem cards. On one
system, I had to use the generic VGA monochrome driver to get X11 running
(SLS circa 1994).
> Any response would be appreciated.
Rex Ballard - Director of Electronic Distribution
Standard & Poor's/McGraw-Hill
Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect
the Management of the McGraw-Hill Companies.
From Wed Jul 3 13:44:31 1996
Status: O
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy,