Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 23:01:31 -0400
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On Tue, 2 Jul 1996, Michael C. Vergallen wrote:
> Kazinator wrote:
> > Incidentally, I, in turn, have a question about NT: how does one
> > uninstall the assholes it comes with?
> :-)
> You could always use dynamite, nitroglisirine, a atom bomb, reboot of
> the universe...
Much simpler. Ask them to give you a project plan and estimate for a job
you know is a short and simple script of unix filters. Something like a
system that will schedule a job that will read a collection of files,
combine them into a single file with headers, compress it, encrypt it,
shoot it through a TCP/IP socket, and decryrpt, decompress, and burst the
output. The NT guy will bid you a 6 month project in Visual C++, Visual
Basic, and some Microsoft Access. Of course, every unix hacker knows it's
rsh myhost:tar cf - dir | compress | crypt | remotehost:decrypt |
decompress|tar xf -
Of course, the NT guy will need at least 4 times the size of the file
(make it a big one :-) in extra disk space on each end. He will also
need at least enough memory to hold all of the OLE servers simultaneously,
and as much memory as possible to reduce the amount of swapping and paging
between through the OLE object.
I actually did spend two weeks creating an "FTP Suck" and and "FTP push"
using GPL code hacked to turn arguments into the appropriate FTP protocol
commands and use stdin and stout. That way I could suck 3 10 gigabyte
files through a filter on a Sun into a Perl script that extracted
statistical summaries, which piped to a sed script which created oracle
insert records which were piped into a telnet running PL/SOL.
That's enough to send them on a 30 day shopping spree to buy a third party
product which will take 3 weeks to approve, 6 weeks to deliver, 4 weeks of
training, and 2 weeks of testing before we can decide if it is actually
feasable. Of course, he will have figured all this out using Microsoft
Project which as innocently scheduled him and you for 18 hours/day 7
days/week (he didn't realize he used the sysop calendar until after
committing to the bid).
To make it really look good, have him force at least 5 Unix wizards to
implement this on Windows-NT. Better yet, get 2 Mainframe Gurus, 2 Vax
Mavens, and one Unix hacker to do the project. While the MVS and VMS boys
fight out which end of the integer comes first and how big it should be,
the Unix geek will have embellished that one-liner with detailed
statistical reports, fallback and recovery, and error logging (a pair of
Perl scripts at strategic locations).
> --
> Michael C. Vergallen A.k.A. Mad Mike,
> Sportstraat 28
> B 9000 Gent tel : 32-9-2207764
> Belgium
Rex Ballard - Director of Electronic Distribution
Standard & Poor's/McGraw-Hill
Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect
the Management of the McGraw-Hill Companies.
From Wed Jul 3 23:50:50 1996
Status: O
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy