Subject: Re: History question! From: (Jo Ann Mandinach) Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 01:31:09 -0700
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: History question!
From: (Jo Ann Mandinach)
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 01:31:09 -0700
Precedence: bulk
Status: RO
At 4:00 PM 6/12/95, Steve Outing wrote:
>Jo Ann:
>In the past we've organized meetings at conferences via the list. However,
>online-news has grown quite large (1,300-1,400 folks) and traffic can get
>heavy so we should keep the "banter" to a minimum. While discussions of
>employers and business opportunities are perfectly appropriate here, you'll
>do well to keep in mind that you're broadcasting your message to a wide
>audience. I suspect you see less of that here than in
>the Well conferences because folks don't want to broadcast some stuff to
>the entire online publishing community. "Frank discussions" about an
>shortcomings very likely will get back to the boss quickly if posted in this
>particular forum. 8-)
>The introductions idea is nice. We actually tried that on online-news last
>year, and perhaps a hundred people posted bios so we could get to know each
>other better. It was fascinating, but it overwhelmed the list for several
>weeks. For a group this size, it might be better to set up a place separate
>from the list -- such as my Web site -- where bios of list members are posted.
>I'll consider doing that, but not in the immediate future as I'm swamped
>with other work right now.
Thanks for the guidance, Steve. Swamped is an understatement. We'll donate
the software to make the bios searchable. We're also putting up a
corporate Nexpo invitation on our Web site that could be used to coordinate
meetings there.
Jo Ann
Jo Ann Mandinach, Personal Library Software, (415) 329-8655
Dir. of Information Industry Partnerships
Point to to ftp our new PLWeb 2.0
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