Subject: US-NY,PA-Project Leader-Fidelity Investments From: (CareerSite) Date: Tue, 27 Feb 1996 04:43:15 GMT
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Subject: US-NY,PA-Project Leader-Fidelity Investments From: (CareerSite) Date: Tue, 27 Feb 1996 04:43:15 GMT
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For more information about this and other jobs, see the
CareerSite Web page at

CareerSite Job Profile
Project Leader
Reference Number: 95-0007410
Fidelity Investments
New York City

	The applicant will be required to provide technical knowledge
	and direction; direct project development and maintenance for
	the P&S Engine system and to manage 2-4 staff members. This applicant
	must have at least 7-10 years of data processing experience with
	strong CICS skills.
	Requirements: Applicant must have good programming, analytical
	and problem solving skills; a very good understanding of the
	securities industry (Purchase and Sales); good written and oral
	communication skills with an understanding of a full life cycle
	project development, including planning and project maintenance.
	Education: Not Applicable
	Apply either on-line, by e-mail or by mail:
	In the subject title, include the words: "Job Code: CareerSite
	Mail: Fidelity Investments, Job Code: CareerSite 95-0007410,
	82 Devonshire Street A3B, Boston, MA 02109-3614

Job Seekers are invited to search these and many other current job 
opportunities at free of charge.  Also, 
enter the CareerSite Contest of the Week to win prizes and a chance 
at a free laptop computer.

CareerSite has the most comprehensive services ever available over 
the Net for job seekers and employers alike. A personal Virtual Agent 
will allow you to: 

    * Search for job opportunities either by employer name, or by the 
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    * Market yourself to employers by placing an employer-searchable 
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      resume. CareerSite will always request your permission before 
      we will release your identity. 
    * Manage your job search through your Virtual Agent's Desktop where 
      you can: 
        - Electronically respond to jobs 
        - Receive invitations from employers that have seen your 
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        - Maintain your credentials and submit your latest resume to 
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        - Communicate electronically with prospective employers 

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Copyright (c) 1996, Virtual Resources Corporation.  All rights reserved.

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