Subject: Strategies for traditional publishers From: Noelia Fernandez Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 10:09:51 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Strategies for traditional publishers From: Noelia Fernandez Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 10:09:51 -0400
Precedence: bulk
Status: RO

I've been a couple of months visiting the States trying to get in contact
with newspapers online in order to find out their problems related with
their investment in the online arena, with this perspective:  

1.- Strategies for traditional publishers in electronic publishing are under
research to find out the online services' value as a platform for
communication and understanding. This  is oriented towards the study the
advantages that these interactive media possibilities, such as news on
demand, provide to the media company, and make it profitable. As a
consequence,  those companies should address the creation of new markets (or
readers, not visitors) or find out a way to get in touch with their
traditional market, in order to succeed online.

2.- Definition of new values and tha characteristics of the online
enviroment with the objetive of designing new ways for the creation of new
markets for the information systems throug solving the interests and needs
of the users that are looking for quality information services.

3.- Elements that the media company has to look at in order to establish a
lider presence in the interactive online services and to finance the
investment after solving the information and service needs that tha audience
is demanding:

- Audience control and determination of the user profile (besides an IP
number, time and pages, that is all we really get)
- An study of the content and its adjustment to the new media.
- Role of the editor in the new media (is it some one related to the
traditional newsroom? What is the backgroung we need here? Not just computer
here is a big topic:  Multimedia newsroom, development and organization of
the multimedia content edition and the support of provided customer
services. This require to study the new media journalist and the possible
new titles created for this environment. 
- Promotion strategies: outbound marketing, as T. Vassos says.
- Compatibility with the traditional media resources of the company
(canibalization) and medium and long term strategy.
-New media revenues and how to adapt the traditional revenue systems:
advertising, subscription, fee-based on content retrival...

>From my conversations and confirming what a lot of people suggest, I found
out that the enviroment is changing so quickly that is really hard to define
a strategy and that one the main reasons to be there is to experiment (be
there to see what shows up); even is hard to define a line of work in terms
of this topic, I guess that all of you that are trying to find out some
interesting information in this list, have already a prospect about where
you want to go, or how are you going to encourage the newsroom and the
managers of the paper, unless you are so lucky that you have all the money
to invest and to hire the people you need. Even in that case, wich are you
medium term plans?

I had a very nice conversation with Bruce Koon, the managing editor of the
Mercury Center about this topic, and they have been years planning for this.
And they have great ideas related to how to integrate the new media with the
newspaper and how to evolve in terms of reinforcing their audience.

Please, any ideas related to the topic?

Noelia Fernandez Arroyo
New Media Advertising and Electronic Publishing
Multimedia Communication Lab / University of Navarre 
US email:
Spain email:
(508) 358-2207

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