Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 09:12:20 -0400 (EDT)
Precedence: bulk
Status: RO
At 03:08 PM 8/29/96 -0800, Mark Loundy wrote:
>The whole issue of "doing HTML coding" is in the process of rapidly
>disappearing. The nuts and bolts of appearance and interface are about to
>be hidden behind a wall of sophisticated applications. Within a year,
>virtually nobody in a production environment will be doing HTML coding by
>Just as there are no more telegraphers at the wire services, HTML coders
>are in their final months of their brief existance.
That's a valid point, Mark. But it won't really change things much.
An example from my perspective would use a team working together on a
multi-million dollar proposal. The ultimate product might be put
together with something akin to a word processing program, which in
essence is what HTML processing will probably emulate.
But as most of the team are subject matter specialists on the job
to craft statements responsive to the customer, I want them to focus
on that concern and not give a hoot about whether something is bold,
underlined or whatever. I, as proposal coordinator, want a file of
great words compatible with our layout system where graphics will
be easily integrated by someone who has received specific instructions
on the final product's appearance and style, which I can also quickly
change by merely telling that one person and having him/her use the
computer to quickly reformat.
Basically what I'm trying to say is I've seen too many people
get so enamored with the appearance of their writing that they forget
their job was to focus on the content. Just because other capabilities
are there that they know how to use does not necessarily add value to
the overall operation when they do use them.
And that's probably beating on a dead horse, so I'll be quiet now.
Doctor Don -- Internetist
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Specializing in the diagnosis, prevention and
treatment of Internet diseases and maladies. +1.757.877.4992
*** Member Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce ***
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