Subject: Re: Stats on browser type From: Travis Smith Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 19:11:33 -0700
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Stats on browser type From: Travis Smith Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 19:11:33 -0700
Precedence: bulk
Status: RO

At 01:04 PM 8/30/96 -0400, Donovan White wrote:
> Eric K. Meyer  wrote:
>> I'm looking at stats from a typical, single page of a typical, 
>> general-interest site, which has produced the following browser 
>> hit records, as determined by analysis of FULL remote_host 
>> environment variables. 
>> I'm wondering whether this sounds typical to you:
>No surprises here.
>Note, though, the browser choices of Windows 3.1 users seem to indicate a
>conservative approach, with a disinclination to move to newer technology.
>Of course, it may indicate merely that IE 2.0 was a lousy product.

A couple of facts may help explain the browser situation:
a) MSIE 3.x doesn't run in Windows 3.1
    (shameless Netscape promotion: The Netscape 3.0 browser was released for
Mac, Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and many Unix flavors all at once.  MSFT
launched their 3.0 for Windows 95 only.  It's pretty hard to design for MSFT
if different platforms have different versions released at different time.
End promotion)

b) Windows 95 came out after Netscape 1.0, perhaps after 1.1 or 1.22.
Therefore, if you have Windows 95, you're a lot more likely to have Netscape
2.0 or above.  

c)  MSIE 4.x is slated for a Christmas release.  You were either visited by
Beta versions, or you were visited by someone with a browser set to
"pretend" (the techie term is "spoof") it's the new MSIE browser.

d) It is possible to use AOL to connect to the net (if you have Windows),
yet use another browser, such as Netscape, to surf the web.

e) I'm very surprised that there was absolutely no MAC MSIE users.  MSIE has
a 2.0 release and a 2.1 beta available for Mac.  The blank on the list
raises a question about the accuracy about the other statistics as well.

One last note: Today, just like almost every day, the L.A. Times web site
got a hit from a .96 beta version of Netscape.  Who is this guy?

>> (Switch to that old monospaced font, please)
>>             Windows 3.1     Windows 95       Mac        Total
>> Netscape 1.x   4803            209           456        5468
>> Netscape 2.x   9439           8197          3346       20982
>> Netscape 3.x    427           3364           287        4078
>>               -----          -----          ----       -----
>>   Subtotal    14669          11770          4089       30528       
>> MSIE 2.x        446           1569            --        2015 
>> MSIE 3.x         --            959            --         959
>> MSIE 4.x?        --            328            --         328
>>               -----          -----          ----       -----
>>   Subtotal      446           2856            --        3302    
>> Lynx              ?              ?             ?        1681 
>> AOL             537             --           206         742
>> Prodigy         262             --            --         262
>>               =====          =====          =====      =====
>>               15914          14626          4295       36515         
>> Interestingly, 31% of the 49190 hits came with graphics turned off,
>> even though the server is a fast one and the graphics involved were
>> minimal. 
>Were they able to capture which browser/OS combos came in with graphics
>Donovan White
>Online Information Development and Design
>                (508) 597-5321
Travis Smith, Electronic Editor
Los Angeles Times,
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