Subject: Freelance Work From: Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 17:07:14 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Freelance Work From: Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 17:07:14 -0400
Precedence: bulk
Status: RO

I'm assuming that Todd Engdah doesn't mind a freelancer ( as opposed to
institutions only) weighing in on his question. 

Like others dealing with book editors, I'm adamant about retaining electronic
rights. When it comes to newspapers and magazines, I take it case by case.
Prior to logging in to AOL for my e-mail (list members debating stats on
graphic browsers etc. forget  that many people have more than one
online/internet  provider, but that's another issue), I'd just finished
faxing an invoice to the Hartford Courant giving all publication/electronic
rights. The piece is a cover story for the paper's Monday business tabloid.
I've supplied such pieces regularly for the past several years. This was my
first invoice and no, there isn't an increase in payment for electronic
rights(though I was compensated for extra print work). A couple of months
back,  an editor at Northeast, the paper's Sunday magazine,  asked my
permission for electronic rights to an extensive profile I did on Sandy Weill
( "The $50 million man... I agreed without a

In the case of the Courant I consented without question for a number of
reasons: The editors with whom I work are fair and have been very
conscientious about compensating freelancersI worked at the Courant for 8
yrs, so my relationship is a little different than is true of other
freelancers or correspondents/stringers. In reality, it's quite difficult to
sell a piece with a local angle over again without making changes or finding
a different angle, so I don't feel I'm losing anything. Also, I am currently
developing  content areas for the Web and can hyperlink between sites. I've
been similarly receptive to some trade magazines. However, one editor that I
talked into paying me $50 extra ( twice) says that the new policy is "all
rights are nothing." We''re all trying to feel our way here.

Vivian Martin

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Subject: Re: Freelance work From: Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 17:07:14 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Freelance work From: Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 17:07:14 -0400
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