Subject: e-mail (was Re: Stats) From: Steve Outing Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 13:22:05 -0700
How the Web Was Won
Subject: e-mail (was Re: Stats) From: Steve Outing Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 13:22:05 -0700
Precedence: bulk
Status: RO

On 9/12/96, Alan Flippen wrote:
>Here's the reason I find e-mail appealing: it comes to me without being
>prompted. I read Steve Outing's column as religiously as I read anything on
>the Web, which is to say, I remember to go look for it once every two weeks
>or so (sorry, Steve). If it were delivered to me by e-mail, I would read it
>the day of publication every time without fail. 

I've long recognized that problem, and hear this repeatedly. There should be 
an e-mail version of my Stop The Presses! column soon. (For those willing to 
read it on the Web, the URL is in my sig. ;)

>A newsletter (or whatever)
>delivered by e-mail is a subscription that people want -- and that you'd
>probably have a much easier time collecting money from them for (again, I'd
>pay a small sum to have Steve's column delivered to me in my e-mail-box
>regularly, when I might well balk at paying the saame sum to access him on
>the Web. Go figure.) 

Yep, this is the problem many of us are having with Web sites. When we can 
deliver content of our Web sites, prying money out of Internet users will 
get a little bit easier for certain types of content (especially narrow-
market newsletters and columns; consumer content will probably still need 
to be free even when "pushed").

>As the techies develop ways to make copy delivered by
>e-mail a lot prettier, I'd bet we'll see a resurgence in this medium.
>Thoughts, anyone?
I think that's absolutely correct, and it's a big part of the reason that 
two of my current consulting clients are e-mail publishing companies. Take 
a look at Netscape Inbox Direct (*not* a client) for an early indication of 
where this is going. The problem I have with Inbox is that readers must use 
Netscape as their mail reader to received Web pages as e-mail. (No way am I 
going to give up Eudora.) This should be solved soon enough when MS Explorer
mail feature, Eudora and other major mail apps will support reading HTML 
directly. I think Mercury Mail  (they *are* a client) 
is on the right track here. Check out their WeatherVane service, where you 
specify what mail reader you use and receive daily messages formated 
according to your app's capabilities.

IMO, e-mail is going to "get prettier" in the next year and we'll see a 
resurgence of interest in personalized e-mail. I'm surprised that this seems 
to be low on many publishers' priority lists. This will change soon.

Steve Outing                                   Planetary News                        Boulder, Colorado, USA      voice: 303-543-7810            fax: 303-543-1059
        *Consulting services for the newspaper new media industry*                                      
           Read my Stop The Presses! column on E&P Interactive:
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Subject: Re: AOL v. Cyber Promotions From: Steve Outing Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 13:22:05 -0700
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: AOL v. Cyber Promotions From: Steve Outing Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 13:22:05 -0700
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