Subject: Re: AOL v. Cyber Promotions From: James Egelhof Date: Fri, 13 Sep 1996 12:07:39 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: AOL v. Cyber Promotions From: James Egelhof Date: Fri, 13 Sep 1996 12:07:39 -0400
Cc: , , 
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Status: RO

At 10:02 PM 9/12/96 -0400, Donovan White wrote:
>> Would a Nazi hate group then
>> have a constitutional right to have a Nazi chat room on AOL? 
>Interesting question. They probably could, except every other participant
>would most likely be an FBI informant. So long as the traffic in the chat
>room conformed to AOL's TOS, or it was a private room, there isn't any
>reason I can think of that a hate group couldn't hold a virtual cross
>burning on AOL. So far as I know there aren't any organizations in this
>country that it's illegal to belong to, barring a few country clubs down
>along the Potomac. So the answer to your question is probably Yes. Any
>group can create a chat room on AOL. So long as the public (?) _content_
>conforms to the standards defined in the TOS there isn't any problem. I

The public TOS is vague on this, but the internal Guide policies aren't:


7. Racial Issues. Racial slurs are not allowed. Rooms promoting racism (KKK
Unite) are not allowed, but discussion of racial issues (KKK Discussion) are.


>> It's no contradiction to oppose the CDA -- a blatantly unconstitutional
>> governmental action -- and support the right of a private carrier to set
>> broad, general parameters in deciding whether it wishes to serve its users'
>> interests or the special interests of outsiders. 
>AOL's users' interests are best served by developing a decent mail client,
>not by censoring commercial email content.

Amen.  Issues of spam should be dealt with by the mail client and by
Congress and not by network providiers receiving spam.

 James Egelhof,
  Why America Online Sucks:

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