Subject: No Comparison From: Date: Sun, 15 Sep 1996 17:33:40 -1000
How the Web Was Won
Subject: No Comparison From: Date: Sun, 15 Sep 1996 17:33:40 -1000
Status: RO

Welcom to a REAL opportunity !  THIS IS NOT HYPE.

75%  COMMISSIONS   !!!!!!!!

If you are one of the 95% of people who have failed in MLM (have never 
earned $300.00 or more/ month),  if you ae tired of getting paid little of nothing
for all the hard work you do in MLM, if you would like an opportunity
that pays you 15% on your first level, and  WHOPPING 45% on your second
level with up to 15% infinity bonuses.  if you would like to be part of a company 
that has state of the art products at a VERY LOW COST,  if you would like to be 
part of a company with one of the highest pay out plans in the industry. 
then you need to read this and then CALL ME!!!!!!

Company -  Changes International	 
                      2 years old
Product - A line of 5 nutritional products with 4 more soon
Compensation Plan - Unilevel, unlimited width, with infinity bonuses
Cost to become a distributor -   $0.00
Minimum purchase to remain distributor - $50.00 every 3 months
Recommended purchase -  $50 to $100/month

Testamonials -

Lee F., California

" I am not a heavy hitter, nor do I have a downline that follows me from program
to program..............Using a turnkey system by mail, I made $492.00 with only
12 distributors in my downline."

Sandy B.,  New York

" I have never made any money in MLM before.  With this company I made $410
my first month.  My third month check was for $1200."

Joe B., California

" If I had this pay plan with the company I have been with for the past 3 years
my checks would be more than four times as big as they are now with the same
monthly purchase!  I built my business to $7000 a month in five months.  I 
never called a single person unless they called first and asked for a return
call.  My success is due to the highest pay out plan ever!"


( Take a look at the following pay comparisons between the various nutritional 
programs.  Each comparison is based solely on you sponsoring just 3 people 
on your 1st level and helping them sponsor 3 each onto your second level for 
a total of 12 distributors with $100 personal volume each.)

Beverly Hills        $60.00/month
Free Life               $60.00
Life Plus               $60.00
Kaire                   $120.00
Achievers            $120.00
Sterling Health      $12.00
BodyWise             $60.00
Sportron                $48.00
Melaleuca             $84.00
NuSkin                  $60.00
Nutrition for Life   $93.00

CHANGES INTERNATIONAL    $450.00  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why work any other 

The fact is most people sponsor 1-3 people in their entire career with an
MLM.  They give up before they can earn any real money.  Not with Changes!!
Our company pays 60% on the first 2 levels.  YES, new distributors make
money right away!!!  We have an industry high 85% retention rate - simply
because our distributors are earning money.  

This is true RESIDUAL INCOME.  
                                               FINANCIAL FREEDOM is at your fingertips.

For a free tape " Dead Doctor's Don't Lie" explaining our products please call my
toll free voice mail box with your mailing address or email me above.


Dr. Cary S. Feldman
Toll Free Voice Mail  1-800-935-5171  Ext 1439

Opportunity Hotline 1-800-935-5171  Ext 1110
Company FAX on DEMAND 1-703-904-1818  Doc. 192

Special offer -  for a limited time we will provide you with 50 leads of people 
who have expressed an interest in our program and help you with building 
your downline.

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