Subject: Re: Re The Newsroom of the Future c. 2000 From: Tom Boyer Date: Wed, 9 Mar 1994 11:55:04 -0500 (EST)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Re The Newsroom of the Future c. 2000 From: Tom Boyer Date: Wed, 9 Mar 1994 11:55:04 -0500 (EST)
To: "Karen D. Frazer" 
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On Tue, 8 Mar 1994, Karen D. Frazer wrote:

> I'm sorry but I have to respond to this comment by Steve Snow:
> >You see, this is *another* medium, meaning additional. The cost of competing
> >is about to go up. Newsprint will continue to be cranked out for the
> >foreseeable future. some people will migrate to the electronic version, but
> >for now, it will most likely be the guys in the family. The women will
> >choose (or at least have chosen in huge numbers so far) the paper.
> I hope you were only kidding, Steve.  Believe it or not, there are women
> who are very interested in electronic media and may even PREFER it over the
> paper.  Sexist stereotypes such as these are better left in the junk heap
> of history where they belong.
> Karen D. Frazer
> InterNIC Information Services
Don't misread Steve, he's only stating facts. Online services around 
the country have had an extremely difficult time attracting female 
customers. That's one of the biggest unwritten-about stories of 
cyberspace. Most of us in the newspaper business think we're having a 
tough time reaching women. How about Mercury Center, which acknowledges 
its customer base is 85 percent male?

I'd like to know if anyone's done any research to find out why...

Tom Boyer       |
The Virginian-Pilot/The Ledger-Star   | This is my opinion, not necessarily 
P.O. Box 449, Norfolk, VA 23501-0449  | that of my employer

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