Subject: Re: PAPER From: "Adam Gaffin" Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 11:13:15 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: PAPER From: "Adam Gaffin" Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 11:13:15 -0400

> In my opinion, if I understand these two remarks correctly, I believe 
> they offer an unnecessarily restrictive definition of what 
> constitutes "content" or "information."  Although text can be 
> information, so can type size, so can color, so can layout. So can 
> any visual element. Constructed properly, more information can be 
> conveyed with text AND other visual elements than can be conveyed by 
> text alone. Text-only information is not *better,* per se. It is just 
> text-only. In my opinion.  

I'm not asking that people abandon visually creative work on the Web, 
just that they consider providing an alternative means of accessing 
the core information to those of us who don't have Netscape running 
24 hours a day. Give us trogs a simple ASCII tool bar at the bottom 
of the page, or use those ALT statements the way God intended!

Adam Gaffin
Online Editor
Network World Fusion, / (508) 820-7433


End of online-news-digest V1 #410

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