Subject: Re: The SPAM begins ... From: "S. Finer" Date: Sat, 3 Feb 1996 14:30:24 -0500 (EST)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: The SPAM begins ... From: "S. Finer" Date: Sat, 3 Feb 1996 14:30:24 -0500 (EST)

Mark Loundy credits counter-spamming action with the failure of spams to 
overwhelm the Internet, as predicted by some opponents of the practice. 

comments below......

On Sat, 3 Feb 1996, Mark Loundy wrote:

> S. Finer:
> >Mark Loundry made almost the same comment to me last spring.  Yet it
> >still has not happened 9-10 months later.  How long do we have to wait to
> >see the evidence of the apocalypse you predict, Mark?  And why do you
> >seem so determined to protect pornographers, while evincing such
> >hostility toward other types of net commerce?  Where is the balance
> >in your pronouncements on free speech, Professor?
> S.,
> I'm flattered to see that you keep such close track of my messages. 

chalk it up to good memory, assisted at times by a 62meg Eudora archive

> Perhaps
> spamming has not become more widespread because of the practice by many
> people of complaining to the spammers and their postmasters. My most recent
> such responses have been bounced by overwhelmed local systems. I'd say that
> the responses in those cases have been quite effective.

Are you sure...... 8-)  I hear there is widespred use of a ltr-bomb 
screens at this point....if your response did not fit a certain profile, 
it is auto-bounced.......of course, the big systems like aol are not 
using it...they have other methods.  

> I have no problems with online commerce. If potential spammers want to put
> their messages up on Usenet newsgroups that's just fine with me. I draw the
> line when they intrude into MY virtual world.

Everyone should draw their own lines, as you say.  But Chris Loosely's 
approach, i.e. execising the delete key, is far more cost-time effective 
than yours, IMHO.  


End of online-news-digest V1 #500

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