Subject: Re: online-news-digest V1 #349 From: Ron Gauthier - Iron Mountain Date: Wed, 27 Sep 1995 12:58:53 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: online-news-digest V1 #349 From: Ron Gauthier - Iron Mountain Date: Wed, 27 Sep 1995 12:58:53 -0400 (EDT)

I guess I am sort of a publisher and editor as I run a small BBS and 
write a newsletter. I am setting up a web server now, our local library 
let me put it on their 56K line for $50 a month. Best deal in the world, 
all profits are mine.

My question concerns the legality of linking.

Do I need the consent of the content owner to link to their page?
If I write an editorial on say, an organization, and link to one of their 
pages(not the home page), for example:   The BarnStorm Corporation is 
located in Cropdust, MI and makes wing walking harnesses...
If  is the link to a bio on the company and its owners do I 
have to tell my readers that its not my work they are going to?

I know when I click on something where I am going cause the browser tells 
me so. Others that are not familiar with them might be under the 
impression that it is my own content. I need to know what I can and cant do.
Am I allowed to grab a page and put it on mt server to save use on the 
others server and to speed up the linking process?

I have read the copyright laws and understand most of it but it leaves 
the internet and its uses a little gray, at least to my untrained mind.
Any help and pushes in the right direction will be greatly appreciated.

Ron Gauthier 
Superiorland BBS  
Iron Mtn. MI 906-774-2546
Inna `da UP, eh?


End of online-news-digest V1 #350

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