Subject: Re: Email vs. the Web: Eudora to Help Reconcile Models? From: Ed Reading Date: Sat, 24 Feb 1996 20:48:45 -0800
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Email vs. the Web: Eudora to Help Reconcile Models? From: Ed Reading Date: Sat, 24 Feb 1996 20:48:45 -0800

At 05:47 24-2-96 -0800, "David H. Rothman"  wrote:
>Maybe I've missed it, but has anyone caught on to the fact that the new
>Eudora lets you go almost immediately to a Web site via Netscape? Just click
>on the URL within an email message. This is exactly what I do when any of
>you posts a URL I want to see. Using Eudora 2.2, I no longer bother with
>copying and pasting; it's automatic.

Woa, I just tried it with the Networld URL. It's the hard way! Click-click.
Box comes up. Click C: drive. Click Program Files. Click Netscape. Click
Navigator. Click navigator.exe. See Netscape splash screen come up. Wait.
Wait. Load many files.

It's neat that you can do this, but it's a stunt--not useful. I agree,
though, it will  get better; it will have to. Qualcomm and Netscape take
note. Market pressure is maybe what it needs.

- ---
Ed Reading


End of online-news-digest V1 #529

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