Subject: MoonBean Press Release 3/26/96 From: David Levine Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 10:26:55 -0500
How the Web Was Won
Subject: MoonBean Press Release 3/26/96 From: David Levine Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 10:26:55 -0500

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                               NASA JAVA DAY

     Real-Time Multi-User Games, Meetings, Document Sharing & Markup, 3D
 Visualization, Database Access, Audio, Video and Customization Capabilities

     Cape Canaveral, FL - March 26, 1996 -- In the Keynote Address at
     The Kennedy Space Center's Java Day, HuskyLabs President David
     Levine launches MoonBean, a client-server communications protocol
     for creating live, interactive Worlds, in which users from across
     the Internet can share documents, access databases, and play games
     in a fully-realized 3D multimedia environment.

     With MoonBean, HuskyLabs introduces to the World Wide Web a key
     technology to enable corporate, educational, scientific, and
     entertainment institutions to create living sites where
     colleagues, members, customers and guests can gather to receive
     live data, such as stock prices, sports scores or laboratory
     experiments, share that information in real-time, discuss their
     opinions or observations, and customize the look, feel, sound and
     capabilities of their environment and their "avatar," or visual
     representative. Using the Java programming language to develop an
     easy-to-use, graphically pleasing and intuitive user interface,
     MoonBean will be fully functional in any Java-enabled Web browser,
     such as Netscape 2.0, without requiring 3rd party plug-ins or
     helper applications. MoonBean also supports VRML 2.0, RealAudio,
     and any other formats currently integrated into the Web.

     MoonBean will publicly debut May 15th as the centerpiece of a new
     Web-based information and community discussion service to be
     launched by a major metropolitan daily newspaper. This
     implementation will include news-wire feeds, multi-player games,
     discussion groups, searchable databases, and electronic retailing.
     Community members will have the opportunity to customize the look
     of their avatars/characters and their environment. They will be
     able to "carry around" objects such as the Yahoo search engine and
     portable radios with live broadcasts, and watch synchronized video
     and participate in discussion with other users in the same "room."

     Source code, annotations and extensions to MoonBean will be
     available this summer as part of LIVE JAVA: Database to
     Distribution, a book by David Levine to be published by AP
     PROFESSIONAL, a division of Academic Press, Inc. ISBN:

     SunBean, a live multimedia collaboration server software product,
     and DataCaster, a complete hardware and software solution, will be
     available third quarter of 1996.

     Current clients of HuskyLabs include The Baltimore Sun, BellSouth,
     Corporation for Public Broadcasting, First National Bank of
     Maryland, National Public Radio, Penguin Books, Pentagon CDs and
     Tapes, and PoliticsUSA.

     HuskyLabs can be reached through The Butterfly's Net ,, or toll-free 1-888-HUSKY-US.

For More Information Contact:

Ken Karpay, Public Strategies Inc.
Phone: 410-467-3264
FAX: 410-889-4538

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MoonBean, SunBean and DataCaster are trademarks of HuskyLabs, Inc.
Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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