Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 15:08:46 -0400 (EDT)
I estimate that 4-5 million people have access to LYNX, and that perhaps 3
million have used it at some point. But less than 500,000 still use it
regularly (I use it infrequently, but occasionally). Still, Delphi would
appear to be well situated to nail a niche a market of a few hundred thou
folks who are anti-graphic. That could be run profitably for people who do
not want the latest features, or who use older equipment.
BTW, 14.4 or slower connections STILL constitute the majority of dial-up
connections.......... do not confuse the bleeding edge with the mass
On Thu, 16 May 1996 wrote:
> The only reason there is not a larger market right now for lynx browsing
> is that hardly anyone knows about it. As an aol and cserve refugee it
> took me the better part of 6 months to drum up an alternative--which is
> lynx. And I worked hard at it. Just for the fun of it I use a self
> booting 360kb disk running a 9 year old xt clone w/14.4.
> I smile everytime it boots up.
End of online-news-digest V1 #654
From Fri May 24 13:34:00 1996
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