Subject: Re: desubscribe From: (cassidy) Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 09:59:23 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: desubscribe From: (cassidy) Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 09:59:23 -0400

For Ann Auman and others:

You may  leave the list at  any time by  sending a "SIGNOFF CARR-L"  command to
LISTSERV how  you want it to  confirm the receipt  of messages you send  to the
list. If  you do not trust  the system, send  a "SET CARR-L REPRO"  command and
LISTSERV will send  you a copy of your  own messages, so that you  can see that
the message was distributed  and did not get damaged on the  way. After a while
you may  find that this  is getting annoying,  especially if your  mail program
does not  tell you that the  message is from you  when it informs you  that new
mail has arrived from  CARR-L. If you send a "SET  CARR-L ACK NOREPRO" command,
LISTSERV  will  mail you  a  short  acknowledgement  instead, which  will  look
different in  your mailbox  directory. With  most mail  programs you  will know
immediately that  this is an acknowledgement  you can read later.  Finally, you
can turn off acknowledgements completely with "SET CARR-L NOACK NOREPRO".

I could just say... jazz IS creative freedom.
             Max Roach


End of online-news-digest V1 #673

From Wed Jun  5 19:32:13 1996
Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id TAA28820 ; for ; Wed, 5 Jun 1996 19:32:12 -0400