Subject: re: What if... From: (bill wilt) Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 13:53:48 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: re: What if...
From: (bill wilt)
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 13:53:48 -0400
At 1:36 PM 7/1/96, Alex Balfour wrote:
>Going back to the original thread...surely the answer is that smal/medium
>sized publications should team up with bigger counterparts? Theres plenty of
>ways this can be done....I'm itching to say more, but I will have to wait
>until the end of the month when one such an arrangement will be announced by
>some key contnent providers.
> Alex Balfour
Alex, am itching to hear more; I just completed a study of weeklies in the
US (if they got online, they'd be dailies, of course), but got some info on
UK publications--showing a daily population of 132 or so, but a weekly
population of 2,007 pubs, at least according to one list-keeper. That's a
higher ratio of weeklies to dailies across the pond than here. I'd say
daily publishers might best watch their socks, if the weeklies thunder in
over the net.
Does that catch the gist of it?
Bill Wilt
- --
Bill Wilt the Age of Connecting...
Wilt Enterprises--creating business in an all digital world
bits: vox: 603-891-1984 fax: 603-891-1700
One Royal Crest Drive, Nashua, NH 03060-5479
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