Subject: Re: Stop It, please! From: Joe Shea Date: Mon, 24 Jul 1995 01:48:45 -0700 (PDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Stop It, please! From: Joe Shea Date: Mon, 24 Jul 1995 01:48:45 -0700 (PDT)

	My name is added to the list.


Joe Shea
The American Reporter

On Mon, 24 Jul 1995, Stuart Kerr wrote:

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>    1  SHIMIZU Seishi     Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>    2  Yuichi Nishihara   Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>    3  Hirohisa TANIGUCHI Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>    4  Takashi Tomoeda    Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>    5  Tomoki KOBAYASHI   Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>    6  Munehito ARAI      Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>    7  Akira Okazaki      Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
>    8  Atsushi Matsumura  Physics, Tohoku University, Japan
>    9  Kouta Yamamoto     Chemistry,Tohoku University,Japan
>    10 Yasushi UJIOKA     Degremont S.A., France
>    11 Toru Hara          Universite de Paris Sud, France
>    12 Rene Bakker        CEA - Sacley, France
>    13 David Garzella     Universite de Paris Sud, France
>    14 Henk Blok          Vrije Universiteit/NIKHEF, Amsterdam
>    15 Igor Passchier     NIKHEF, Amsterdam
>    16 Ard van Sighem     NIKHEF, Amsterdam
>    17 Johan Noordhoek    KOL Leiden
>    18 C.M.C.M. van Woerkens Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory, Leiden
>    19 Annemarie Borst,   Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
>    20 Gijs Nelemans      Universiteit Utrecht
>    21 Susanne Buiter     Universiteit Utrecht
>    22 Yvo Kok            Paleomagnetic Lab., Utrecht
>    23 Thom Pick          Paleomagnetic Lab., Utrecht University
>    24 Dagmar Olbertz     Universiteit Utrecht
>    25 Eleonore Stutzmann Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris,France
>    26 Nicole Girardin    Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris,France
>    27 Francois Girardin  Ecole Nat. Sup. des Telecommunications,France
>    28 J.-P. Chaboureau   Lab. Meteorologie Dynamique,France
>    29 F. CHERUY          Lab. Meteorologie Dynamique, France
>    30 G.L.Liberti        Lab. Modelisation climat et environnement,CEA, France
>    31 David Stephenson   Centre Europeen de Recherche et Formation Avancee
>                          en Calcul Scientifique, Toulouse, France
>    32 Dr. Ralph P. Sobek Centre Europeen de Recherche et Formation Avancee
>                          en Calcul Scientifique, Toulouse, France
>    33 Marc Vaisset       LAAS, Toulouse, France
>    34 Jerome Perret      LAAS, Toulouse, France
>    35 Michael Kaiser     Comp.Sci./Robotics, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
>    36 Volker Klingspor   Universitaet Dortmund, Germany
>    37 Birgit Oellers     Aachen, Germany
>    38 Rene Soiron        Dept. of CS, RWTH Aachen, Germany
>    39 Thomas Lehmann     Institute of Medical Informatics and
>                          Biometry, RWTH Aachen, Germany
>    40 Jens Hektor        Institute of Physiology, RWTH Aachen, Germany
>    41 Wolfgang Wintz     IFF, KFA Juelich, Germany
>    42 Martin Kraus       IFF, KFA Juelich, Germany
>    43 Ulrich Schwarz     MPI Kolloid- und Grenzflaechenforschung Teltow
>    44 Matthias Rehm      Dept.of Math. Universtiy of Munich, Germany
>    45 Walter Swoboda     Munich Public Health Research Center, Germany
>    46 Klaus Adelhard     Dept. Medical Informatics, Biometrics, Epidemiolog
>                          Ludwig-Max.-Univ. Munich, Germany
>    47 Uwe Richter        MB&T GmbH, Iserlohn, Germany
>    48 Christine Mambourg OSF, Brussels, Belgium
>    49 Fredrik Kjellander Stockholm, Sweden
>    50 Stefan Rosengren   Stockholm, Sweden
>    51 Goran Hammraback   Stockholm, Sweden
>    52 Bengt Edvardsson   Uppsala Astronomical Observatory, Sweden
>    53 Mats-Ove Fant      Uppsala, Sweden
>    54 Lars Ponten        Uppsala, Sweden
>    55 Anders Eriksson    Telia Reseach, Lulea, Sweden
>    63 Mats Jansson       Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
>    64 Magnus Lindberg    Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
>    65 James Crawford     Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
>    66 Francis Meehan     Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
>    67 Tim Trainor        Co-Cam Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia
>    68 Phil Blake         The Armidale School, Armidale, Australia
>    69 Martin Levins      The Armidale School, Armidale, Australia
>    70 Stuart Kerr        The Armidale School, Armidale, Australia
     71 Joe Shea           Editor-in-Chief, The American Reporter
> **********
>    Dear Sirs,
>     This is a chain letter to urge the french government to
>     stop nuclear tests.
>     If you agree with us, please add your name to the list above,
>     and send copies to your friends.
>     We will add up the lists that had come back to us, and send it
>     to the French Government.
>     If you happen to be the hundredth,two hundredth, three hundredth,
>     and so on, on the list, please send a copy of the mail back to the
>     addresses below, so that  we can keep track of this project. If
>     you have any comment please send mails to us. And also,
>     if you are multi-lingual and have friends who may not understand
>     English, please translate this message and add it to the end of
>     the mail.
>     Thank you very much.
>     p.s. Please try to keep this message intact. Don't add signatures
>          and if possible, remove any header or other unnecessary stuff.
>    ******* addresses of the organizers
> <- please use this adress


End of online-news-digest V1 #258

From Tue Jul 25 01:54:34 1995
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