Subject: No. N.J. SWF 37 ISO SMART GUY From: Date: Fri, 16 Jun 1995 15:18:25 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: No. N.J. SWF 37 ISO SMART GUY From: Date: Fri, 16 Jun 1995 15:18:25 -0400 (EDT)
Followup-To: alt.personals
Organization: Anonymous Contact Service
Lines: 29
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <36p54i$>
Xref: alt.personals:92052

Greetings, Smart Guys. I'm a soon to be 38 year old SWF, working on my Ph. D.
in Literature. I also have taught French for several years, and plan to have
a college teaching career. The central focus of my life is teaching; it's a
real calling for me. I love thinking and talking about it, and hope to share
this passion with an eventual partner, although I don't know that this is an
absolute requirement. I do feel I'd be most compatible with someone who is
involved with the Humanities and/or education in some way. 

Stuff I like: the kind of movie that never seems to make it to New Jersey,
offbeat theater in NYC, cooking, rollerblading and ice skating, playng
Scrabble or charades with a small group of good friends, living with high
esthetic standards on a shoestring, an occasional day at Gunnison Beach,
novels, museums, big dictionaries, queer-friendly people, kissing for hours
on end. 

I'm 5'8", generally considered attractive. Neither sylphlike nor huge; nice

If you think we might be compatible, for whatever kind of 'ship, write to me
and we'll let the details fly. 

P.S. I am only looking for someone who lives close enough to Central/Northern
NJ/ NYC are for me to see in person.


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email to

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