Subject: Re: Say the www.word ? But don't try it via lynx :-( From: "J.J. Linden" Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 23:16:40 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Say the www.word ? But don't try it via lynx :-( From: "J.J. Linden" Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 23:16:40 -0400 (EDT)
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On Thu, 6 Jul 1995 wrote:

> >Adam Gaffin says:
> >> If you want to see some really excellent uses of the Netscape extensions to
> >> HTML, get to
> >
> >Daniel Dern says:

[About how silly and imbecilic this "excellent" site looks to maybe 40% 
of the people who visit it -- with text browsers or with the graphics 
turned off]
> >
> >Gosh, words can't describe how motivated I feel to see what this
> >exciting Web site is all about.  (I did anyway.  It's a little better
> >under this, but not much.  Hey! Word gang! Pass the ALT!")
> and I say a freeway must look far more intimidating to a person in a Model
> T than a person driving a Viper.

And I say that if you're building a freeway to your business site, and 
you build it so that 40% of your customers can't use it, when for the 
same price, you can make that freeway just as beautiful but usable by 
everybody, you're either a stupid designer or a stupid businessman.  Or 
both.  Put in some "alt" tags, make sure your content's sound, and the 
lynxers will be as happy as the Netscapers.
> Model Ts just hold people back and get in the way of faster traffic.

What a snobbish, elitist attitude!  Not to mention showing a complete 
lack of understanding of how the net, the web and html work.  And a lack 
of understanding of how important -- and easy -- it is to make a site 
accessible to all your visitors.  And to keep people from telling all 
their friends how lousy your site is, the way Dan's just done.
> Adam is right, it is a great site. I think Daniel is unfair to imply that
> the message is flawed simply because he doesn't have the right vehicle.

What's "unfair" about calling 'em like you see 'em.  My opinion is that 
Dan's been around here for a very long time, and has a far better idea 
than most of us do about the Internet experience.

Dan wasn't complaining *because* the site was Netscape-enhanced; he was 
complaining because it was almost useless to non-graphical users.

I haven't been to the site yet; I'll go using Netscape -- I've been 
forewarned.  I'll probably enjoy it.  But I'm certainly not going to 
recommend it to my friends -- all I need is for some of them to go using 
lynx and destroy my credibility about which sites are good.

Jay Linden                                      Business: (416) 463-8932
BXI Inc., Toronto, Canada                      Residence: (416) 510-8948
Net Presence/Marketing/Netsurfing      email:
   Personal home page -- 
        Now open for business -- 

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