Subject: Re: paid Web-Icons in MSN From: Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 15:53:40 +0800
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: paid Web-Icons in MSN From: Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 15:53:40 +0800
To: Rex Ballard 
X-Mailer: AIR Mail 3.X (SPRY, Inc.)
Status: O


MS really worries me, but then again their greed may ultimately be their 
downfall.  Software alters so quickly and while having the OS for a system 
may be some kind of buttress against going out of business, anything can 
happen in 12-18 months.

I would not weep a tear if I had to get rid of all my Windoze stuff.

Hell, I would do it on principle if something even as good came out.  But in 
the meantime I have to work and remain productive, so I guess I am stuck with 

MS=Multiple Sclerosis (a terminal disease)

Nathan Cochrane                  | Transmission of this communication
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